Social Media | Idols | Abuse

Hello everyone,

So it’s been a while since I’ve put in my opinion regarding social media, issues, etc. And while it is simply my opinion and some may disagree with it(I don't know why you would), I have all the right to it as you do yours.

That being said;

I came across the issue of ZE:A’s leader Junyoung and his ongoing tweets and to the say the least, I don’t know what to say at all. He seems to be in a dark mind set, place, at the moment- or he was when he was writing those tweets. I don’t know all the details and have been looking it up but can’t really seem to find any sources in which I know I can trust one hundred percent, however, with the information that I have gathered the idol is clearly upset due to mistreatment (which he has every right to be).  

The idol (and general public) world is full of this various mistreatment (to name a few: recent football player scandal, Sam pepper the youtuber, domestic violence) what with idol and trainee’s, and people in general being abused ually, physically, emotionally etc. daily. This also applies to scandals breaking out of the entertainment companies and being purely revolved around personal lives (i.e. Hyunjoong’s abuse scandal). And it breaks my heart to see, hear and read all this.

The people we look up to (i.e. actors, singers, your mother or father, what have you) may seem all sparkles, glam and smiles; but behind closed doors, when the cameras are off, that’s when all the horror happens. Idol’s, much like everyone else (what a surprise) do get tired, they get sick, they cry and get angry and they can become depressed to the point of self-harm or even suicide. They, much like everyone else, need a support system during these times and even if it’s only a few words, a pat on the shoulder or an entire protest it at least shows that you are there, that you care and you stand strong against abuse.

I could go into detail after detail over this but to put it simply we as fan’s, we as fellow human’s, need to support the victims of this violence (be it ual, domestic, emotional and etc.) and I say this due to the feedback some of the various scandals have gotten. The worst thing you can do in the situation where someone comes up to you and tells you they’ve been abused in anyway is say you don’t believe them and they're making it up for whatever reason or say it’s their fault. Don’t criticize the victim for staying in that situation either as sometimes it’s not as easy to leave as you think it is; you don’t know how it feels until you are in the situation yourself.

I understand that music, movies, drama’s etc. for many are an escape and they’d rather not get involved in all the terrible happenings but support is what victims of abuse need, don’t ignore it! Don’t disregard someone’s claims due to their gender or relationship or whatever and don’t falsely accuse those who you have no evidence against and are simply going after on your own grounds.

Abuse is not okay in any size, shape or form; so do your part and band together to put a stop to it (be it man or woman, child, teen, elder or adult getting abused), whether it be something you see on the street, in your own home, school, internet or even in the media. This is not only for today and now, but for the future generations too. Hitting someone is not okay, calling someone down is not okay, and touching someone without their permission is not okay, etc. It sometimes only takes that one person to call the police or simply, say, do something. Idle is comfortable; sure, standing strong and speaking up is making a difference.

So make a difference.




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I'm a little lost on what's going on since this is my first time hearing of Ze;A but I don't blame the leader of the group at all for being angry about what happened. I don't think half of the KPop fandom realizes how hard it actually is to be in their positions or people who don't do what they do: It's not all sunshine, rainbows and money...hell I even heard the artists in S.Korea don't get paid nearly as much as they should *though correct me if I'm wrong on that*.

After reading what ZE;A's leader wrote about his company I'm glad he finally spoke up about what can really go on behind closed doors in that business and don't get me started when I heard a male trainee in that business got ually assaulted and treated horribly that company is disgusting...just like what Open World did to their trainees.

Abuse is indeed never okay to ANYONE. Man, woman, child it just needs to come to an end.

I hope with this leader's message more idols start speaking up if they're being mis-treated or abused: I know it might be hard but they'd feel a lot better if they did. I wish him and the other artists in that company nothing but the best and hope he really can take it over to change things.
I couldn't agree more. It's not okay, no matter what form. as someone who experienced mobbing a few years ago, i do know the feeling is everything but nice. people can change that. it's true, small differences can make a huge impact. i for one won't ever let someone be mistreated if i notice it. i wish more would do the same