No one wants to comment; :-(

Hey guys, I hope someone can help me; I never really get many, if any comments on my OnTae story ' Stay With Me ' and it really confuses and upsets me, I seem to get plenty of veiws, just no one wants to comment. Does anyone know why this is/might be, because when I upload a chapter I'm all excited, looking forward to people reading it and hopefully enjoying it and it's really dissheartning when I can see that I've had several veiws but not one comment. Take today for instance, I uploaded a new chapter about an hour or so ago, I've had 14 veiws and not one of them people commented, why? is it really that bad of a story? If so, why not at least comment and tell me so, and why; sorry if this seems lke a bit of a moan but I've been feeling down today and I'm really busy and went out of my way to post a chapter hoping that people will comment on it and brighten my mood  :-(  I always a leave a review on EVERY story I read, even if it's just a small one letting them know that I read and enjoyed their story and aprecaited their time writing it to entertain me; If anyone can help I'd be most apreciated, thanks.  <3


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i'm sure it wasnt anyone's intention to make you feel bad or stressed out. Not everyone will feel comfortable commenting..but i think the fact that you got that many views so quickly speaks volumes about how much people are looking forward to your continuation of the story! I can honestly say i look forward to your updates
Oh im sorry i will start leaving more comments and stop being a slient reader
parang-96 #3
Heyyyyyyyy babezzzz I'm sorry you're feeling this way :( I just read your updated chapter yesterday and it was really cute!!!! But I always read on the go (on mobile hehe...) so sometimes it's not too convenient to leave a quick comment, I'm sure it's the same with the other readers!!! Don't get too disheartened, and it's true, the good-ness of your story doesn't depend on comments! I really really like your story okayyyy please don't get upset over this!!! Most commens flood in when the story is completed anyway, so just have faith in yourself!!! Love ya :D
I'm sorry, I'm one of those silent readers :/ it's not that I don't love our story, and I understand how upsetting it is to get no feedback, but I usually only have the time to say "Waah so good author-nim" and I worry authors get tired of seeing that over and over. I will try to comment more, but until then just know that "Stay With Me" is really good!
I think you're stressing a bit too much about this. silent readers are common and not a big deal. don't judge your story or abilities based on your popularity on a fanfic website and definitely don't base your happiness on it either. write because you enjoy it and all that other stuff... just let the pieces fall where they may.

as far as the actual views vs comments ratio... it takes a long time to build up a reader base. it's unrealistic to hope or expect every single person to leave a review. when I first started writing I usually averaged about 1 comment per 100 views. So 14 is not a lot. if you write often and build up a reader base that number will slooooooowly grow. you can't really rush it, just try to accept it for what it is an appreciate those who do take the time to comment.
also, if it's an ongoing story I find that many people like to wait until the end to share their thoughts on the story rather than commenting on each chapter. that final chapter will generally get way more attention simply because some readers like to comment on the story as a whole, rather than each little fragment.
I know it's frustrating sometimes but always write for yourself, if you remember that all the other stuff becomes rather arbitrary.
I used to get a lot of commenters on my stories; back when I updated recently. LOL OTL
Since you've helped me in the past and you comment on my ontae stories, I can check out your story and subscribe to it, and comment on it too. :]
I have tons of silent readers, sometimes it bothers me xD say i have 100 subscribers, out of those 100 people only like 6 will actually comment on my story and it makes me feel bad D: Like is my story so bad that you can't even judge me? I'll check out your story and leave a comment if that's what you want.