My sister

Please help

So, My sister decided she ran out of things to talk about with her friend, and she texted me. Her friend is my best friends friend. Im not going to use their real names but here is what happened.

Her: Hey, can i tell Mary about Ivy’s parents getting a divorce?

Me: NO

Her: why

me: Because a: it’s not your place to tell her. It’s Ivy’s.

      and b: If ivy wanted people to know she would have told her. Ivy               don’t want people to know so don’t tell her.

her: She’s gunna find out anyways

me: Dosen’t’s not your place.

Her; so

me:You have NO right to tell her. If you tell her i wont talk to you.

her: Thank god

Her; She already knows.

My sister is a but no one believes me. I really could use some support because she has abusive tendencies, but no one believes me about that either. so it will be hell for the next few weeks or how ever long it takes for her to break me again. Please if you have any advice please share it. I really need to stand up for my friend and against that monster. Please. 


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ThisIsProbablyTaken #1
Oh my god, that is terrible. As an only child, I can't give you direct advice on dealing with that , but I'd recommend writing down abusive things she does and then take it to the police. And if she hurts you physically, take pictures of the results so there is more proof.