The REAL Issue In The Ferguson Incident (Political Warning)

In this whole fiasco, I am beginning to care a bit less on whether Brown was innocent or not or rather the issue of racism.

MY beef is the motherfreaking militarization of the freaking police force.

Like....seriously. Why would the POLICE need M4s, heavy body armor, and armored cars in order to settle a protest.

They look more like they've been dropped off in Baghdad by APCs, being armed to the freaking teeth.


This concerns the hell out of me.

And the fact that they are arresting/detaining reporters/media who are supposed to be telling US what is going on, tells us that they are infringing on our 1st Amendment Right of free speech.

Long story short, the police force is getting out of hand. There's NO reason for them to require THAT MUCH FORCE in order to settle a PEACEFUL protest.


I just needed to express myself on this situation.

And if people come to me saying why I'm bringing politics onto AFF, just realize that life ain't just about fanfics and Kpop and school. There are frankly real problems in this world and our generation should be aware of them.

We're going to be right into all of this stuff sooner or later. It's inevitable.


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