Internet ninja part 2.

[For those curious about Tabi's daddy]

[Taken from]



Anonymous asked: what do you think about TOP´s dad? or do you know anything, i am just really curious because maybe we do not see Dae´s dad so often but we have see him and with TOP´s dad he is nowhere to be seen.. nothing.


Someone asked me to do research into this a while back but unfortunately I didn’t find much so I didn’t bother posting it. I’m honestly not sure if his parents are separated or Seunghyun is distant from his father, which is why we don’t see him ever… or if his father is a high ranking military official or businessman who wants to keep his identity private. No idea! 


This news article says that photos of TOP’s dad went public on a community message board, showing him in a graduation cap and (according to netizens) Air Force colonel’s uniform. The articles I saw say that he formerly served in the military, so I am not sure if he’s in the military now.


This is apparently a photo of his parents when they were younger.

Basically… I couldn’t find any more information about his father. Lol, I’m sorry. I couldn’t even find out his name.

This person asked about BB’s family and someone replied that they searched his minihompy and found that his mother is “가정주부” (housewife) and father is “사업체 운영” (business administration)… so like a business man, I guess?

This person said:

“BIGBANG’s parents went as a group to Japan but only TOP’s mother and sister went. On Cyworld topic I saw only photos of TOP, his mother and sister. I don’t know what his father’s doing but since TOP’s from a rich family, common sense says his father was probably busy making money? ㅋㅋㅋ If his father hasn’t passed away, then what is his occupation? I also heard that he’s a military officer… but I’m wondering.”

And someone replied:

“ㅠㅠ He has a father. Why’re you saying things like that about a normal/decent person [ie. asking if he’s passed away]? ㅠㅠ But it’s true that he’s a military officer. I’ve see his photos and he looks really cool. But TOP doesn’t like things like this [discussing his family]… so if you refrain [from discussing it] then thank you.”

And an English fan account I read said that KVIPs told this girl that Seunghyun’s father is a high-ranking, well-earning military officer and his whole family is rich. But the only thing I know for sure is that TOP’s dad went to military academy… I don’t know if he’s still in the military or working as a businessman (because I feel like a lot of the “his dad is a military officer” rumours come from the old photographs of him).

That’s pretty much all I know. Seunghyun’s parents’ names aren’t publicly available.


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BlackjackPride #1
Wow, on another note, TOP's mother was gorgeous when she was young O_O No wonder why he's so good looking!
Gosh, I always thought his parents were separated.
I think it's kinda cool that in this day and age, an idol can still keep stuff like this private. I guess a lot of idols wished they had that ability.