What will you do before your life ends?

Before I go to sleep I just want to share this to you.

Life is not about how long you live it but life is about how you live it. Live life to the fullest because you'll never know when it is your end. Live every moment smiling. Don't waste your time hating things and people because that will only make you ugly. Just do everything you like. Achieve and grasp your dreams. Love your friends. Love your family. Love God. Love every little things around you. Appreciate.

What if you only have one week to live? What are the things you want to do before your life ends?

Me: I will spend my first daywith my family. Laugh with them. I want to memorize every inch of their faces so I will never forget them even though I'm not sure if I won't. Second, I will spend it with my friends. Talking with each other. Sleep-over. Gaming. Talks about our crushes and everything. Third, I want to go to the places I've never been, I will eat everything I like. Travel as the next day arrive. While on the fourth day, I want to spent it with a stranger. Hearing his or her thoughts. Fifth, I will go to a Music Museum and play the piano one more time. I will visit my favorite Art gallery. I will take more pictures. On the sixth day upto the seventh, I want to go to the beach. Waiting for the sun to set. Watching the stars as night falls. Singing while waiting for the sun to rise. And before my last hours ends I want to be with the man I love watching the sun to set again. Until my soul will get out of my body and will travel freely up to the white clouds and looking down to him crying because I get on the train-travel-to-heaven first without him.

-kyuhyunpapa (That's what I want to do before my life ends. What about you?)



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