Troubled Thoughts

It's hard when you review a story that has so many grammatical mistakes than you get really upset because it makes you feel dizzy, and even you wnat to give up on reading but than you think 'How can I abadon this story that is given on reviewing to me? I can't just stop reading it's not professional'

I have so many troubles while I was reviweing these kind of stpries because I used to make grmmatical mistakes two reviewers are my wtinesses (ShinAeChan and yeowhol5) they pointed out my mistakes kindly to me no matter how much they were strict or how it uposetted me. No I wasn't upset, I accepted where were my mistakes and I am really still trying to improve myself in grammar.

Anyway, what I am trying to say I really harsh?


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Nope, you're not. It's hard for me too, we 'work' in the same shop, remember? Yeah, it's really hard. But you have to tell the authors the truth, and point out their mistakes, no matter how hard it is.
No, it is hard to think of positive things and hard to even read a story with bad grammar, BUT just try to keep the positive points and encourage them; who knows, they might take what you have to say and try to improve. =)