Too Far

So... if you haven't seen it already... well.

Basically, Taeyeon has been pushed to the point of crying and begging a fan to pass on a message of her apologies about this whole dating thing.

If this kind of thing is able to push even her, a strong leader, to the point of tears and begging some random fan in the airport to pass on a message to the rest of us...

To the 'fans' who have been trashing her on the internet: I can't post anything hateful, but if I could, this would be a very colourful post full of swear words and death threats sent towards you.

And I mean the same for anyone being hateful about Baekhyun too.

Personally, I don't like that they're dating.  I really don't.  Believe me, it bothers me deeply.

But I'm not going to hate any of them because what on earth did they do wrong?  You can't control liking someone.  That's just how it works.

At first, I expected a bit of hate to go towards them because there are the fans who are 100% delusional and can't control their obsession so they'll be heartbroken over this whole thing.  I get it.

But it's really gone too far now.

So....  I give up.  I give up with kpop fandoms.  I have no faith in some of the fans anymore that they could be even HALF decent people.

Yes, I'll follow a group or two and still buy albums.  Yes, I'll still follow Taeyeon's instagram and cheer on the groups that I like.  I'm not ditching my interests because I like them.  I'm not leaving AFF and I'm not going to stop writing.  But I'm not even going to bother with some of the people who share this fandom.

I can't really explain what I'm thinking... I guess I'm just trying to keep my love for this group online and away from my life outside of the computer.  No, it's not because of the fact that them dating bothers me THIS much.  It's just because I get really angry at the fans a lot.  If I really hate anyone, it's the stupid bashful fans who are selfish and ignorant enough to do all that to her.

How could you do that to anyone, really?

I mean.. a month ago, you were screaming and freaking out about her smile and a month later, you hate on her.  Because that's totally how mature people would act...?

All I can say without offending obsessive hateful fans (or at least without trying to), is just...

Grow up.  Get over yourself.  The world doesn't spin to satisfy you.  Nobody cares what you think of their relationship.  Sadly, that's just how life is.  Nothing works in your favour and you just have to tough it out and find something to be happy with in your OWN life.  Don't live through an angel-faced idol (who you probably never met and probably never will, or at this point, should meet) because doing that will only disappoint you.

And honestly, if you've ever seen someone you love, cry, you should know how it feels from the angle of the fans who still support Taeyeon, even if they don't support her relationship.  It's not as intense for me because I don't know Taeyeon, personally and have never met her. But I've been there when idiots have made my friends cry.  Believe me, if laws weren't in place, I think I would have broken a few noses here and there by now.


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I feel the same. I hate that they did this to her. Do you know what sns thing I could get or send a message to her cuz I want to let her know she is still amazing and no matter what there are fans still going to follow her.
The 'You' wasn't directed to you personally XD Just the butthurt fans ^^; I'm done being nice with fans like them, if they aren't giving others respect they aren't getting any from me.
I feel the same as you. I only met two or four fans in both fandoms who were actually decent and understandable about the issue, not bashing Baekhyun or Taeyeon which was good but sadly it was only a fair few who acted like decent human beings while the majority of the fans are acting like scum. I hope they feel ashamed of themselves for making Taeyeon cry like this, it proves how human she really is instead of trying to bottle her feelings up.

Baekhyeon isn't my favorite either but am I going to bash them? No. Am I going to send death threats? Absolutely no. We're dealing with real people here guys, it's people like you hardcore fans that make people angry not the relationship but angry at YOU people.

I know my words sound harsh but I'm going to say one last thing and then I'm done with the issue for good.

I'm still going to love KPop of course, but, going to distance myself from some of the fans who drag this issue out.