Quiz #83 What Ice Cream Topping Are You?

Take quiz: http://www.blogthings.com/whaticecreamtoppingareyouquiz/

Share result~




          You Are Candy



        You are an amazing friend - you are the perfect mix of fun and loyalty.

You believe in yourself and in others. You think the world is a bright and brilliant place.

You are a positive thinker and a total optimist. You believe it's important to dream big.

You are very liable and charming. People know they're going to have a blast when you're around.



^ oddly...this doesn't sound/feel like me at all...n i don't even like it..../runs/


other results:


          You Are Sprinkles



        You are colorful and enthusiastic. You believe that the world is b with possibilities.

You are dynamic and courageous. You act boldly and swiftly without any second guessing.

You believe that big things are going to happen for you in life. You're confident about your future.

You seek out adventure and change. You can't help but be a pioneer.




          You Are Fruit



        You are a reasonable and realistic person. You don't get too caught up in how you think things should be.

You take each day as it comes and simply try to do your best. Tomorrow is a fresh start.

You have a lot of discipline, but you also believe in moderation. You avoid any extremes.

You have ideals, but you try not to let those ideals get in the way of living your life.




          You Are Whipped Cream



        You are unpretentious and down to earth. You aren't about to apologize for who you are.

You are sweet and angelic. You truly care about others, and that shines through in everything you do.

You are a unifying force. You bring people together and often are the social glue in your group.

You are optimistic and trusting. You give others the benefit of the doubt until they prove you wrong.



^ i should be this one /coughs/ though i hate whipped cream


          You Are Chocolate Syrup



        You are both powerful and vulnerable. People are drawn to your delicious contradictions.

You are patient and loyal, but you can also be determined and sensuous.

You get yourself into sticky situations at times, but you have the grace to recover beautifully.

You can be passionate to the point of being possessive. You come on strong.




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Yaaay I'm chocolate syrup!

"You are both powerful and vulnerable. People are drawn to your delicious contradictions.
You are patient and loyal, but you can also be determined and sensuous."-cuz contradiction is the trend to evilness and angelicness pfsh

"You get yourself into sticky situations at times, but you have the grace to recover beautifully."-cuz am cool pfsh

"You can be passionate to the point of being possessive. You come on strong."-yeah sometimes xD
/psst am obsessed over u twinnie/
Oh I forgot to do this one :O
Kpopcell2000 #3
I'm chocolate syrup !!!!!!