Words of an Insane Person

It's during exams that I think the most...

...it's the time when I'm most bored too. 

I just needed a place to rant it out, and I just happened to choose this place. 

It's weird how people can become so close and distant themselves so quickly.

Thinking back, humans do a lot of unnecessory stuff. Most things we say are rubbish and probably only 10% of what we say are actually important. But it's those unnecessory comments and conversations that brings people together. It's those 90% of rubbish that lengthens the conversation. 

When you're bored, your mouth has a tendency to blurt out nonsense, just to get attention. 

Bottom line is...




I'm bored. 




I even started writing another fic and even created a poster that I might even change. I want to post it...but I know I would regret it. 

Regrets...I can sense it approaching. 




When will exams be over?

What am I doing? 

Thinking...and overthinking...



...is annoying.




I can even think of a whole story to go with people I've known in the past. 





I...should study. 


Save meeeeeeeeeee~ 


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Be strong unnie ^_^ After you finish exams there will be a whole pile of things for you to enjoy (and actual time for you to do it) plus it'll be guilt free :D