I am so touched by this psychologist


A psychologist says:“Don’t underestimate those children who chase after Korean celebrities, their hearts are purer than anyone else, they love courageously, they will want to try their best to tackle difficult obstacles, the language and cultural barriers. They symbolise peace, they don’t discriminate based on race, they befriend people with the same interest from different countries, they’re more passionate and warm than anyone else. They don’t betray the ones they like easily, they are persistent and don’t give up easily. They are stronger than anyone else on the inside, because when they are loving these Korean stars, they experience the setbacks they’ve never experienced in life. They are all sensitive children, easily touched to tears for a long time because of one incident.

Through investigation, most of them understand gratitude. Their way of thinking is different from others, they don’t easily get carried away by love, they don’t harbour thoughts of doing bad things, and their criteria when looking for a partner is very high, other than looks, personality is more important, so the rate of marriage isn’t high, but neither is the rate of divorce.Their memory is very good, they can easily remember the korean lyrics they don’t understand, and their coordination skills are also very strong. Most of them are cheerful children, not the kind who keep to themselves. Their will of determination is also very strong, they are able to persevere all the way just to buy something related to the celebrity they like.In short, the way these children think is vastly different from others, and their thoughts are not easy to understand. Generally, only those who have similar interests are able to enter their world.”




Note: I think I should at least share it here, for everyone and every kpoppers to know that we kpop fans are special in our very own way. Thank you for your value to us doctor. //someone call the doctor...haha//


"their thoughts are not easy to understand. Generally, only those who have similar interests are able to enter their world.” - I really love and agree with this :)) (this psychologist must have really study us well...haha)




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minseon #1
that is really nice and deep, honestly this is really true. my parents think i'm crazy for liking kpop, and korea in general. yes we do, do crazy things sometimes but we do have great memory. and the quote 'their thoughts are not easy to understand. generally, only those who have similar interests are able to enter their world' this is so true since many people from my school don't really welcome kpop as music, they say it's trash and they only like gangnam style. and i do have a hard time making friends because of this since i'm from a country where kpop is not really known as a popular music choice (united kingdom) and i think this is just beautiful.