
Hey guys! This is my first time writing blog :)

i just want to tell you guys about the Kris thingy... I felt so sad because Kris is my bias and Krisoo is my favorite couple ever! When I went to tumblr, I saw many of the Krisoo shipper have been sad and give up. 

Me too

i have one Krisoo story that I've been working out and it's gonna be my first chapter story. I have been deleted it and  I already changed it to one shot and that's gonna be my last Krisoo fanfic

i will not write Krisoo story again because me gonna broke down crying..

I will continue to write but maybe it's UKISS or maybe another couple in exo :) 

Last, Krisoo is gonna be in my heart forever and I will always remember them :) I hope you guys happy with my decision :) so... 

Good Bye Krisoo! 


(p/s:sorry for my bad English)


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puma28 #1
Don't do that :'( I know it's reaaaaaaaaally hard, but.. Please.. Keep your spirit for krisoo :)