In draft/ unlisted

To avoid confusion,
by this I stated that I put some of my completed stories in draft/ unlisted.
So, you might not be able to read it.
Please, feel free to unsubscribe the stories.
The ones that I keep readable could be seen at my profile.
Forgive me..
I seriously had my own reasons.
Thanks for keep on supporting me.


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leosaly #1
Gbs lg nostalgila dong aqnya.....

thestupid #2
i dont understand
ceptyvian #3
heh?maksudnya ??
neeesha #4
Ok...thanks for let us know :) SELALU SEMANGAT YA!!!
zangsia1 #5
thanks authornim though i still hope you can continue at the right time
heerania #6
huh?.. maksutnyah?