Quiz #44 What Color Is Your Name?

cuz we miss quizzes rite? i want to play food quizzes but somehow click on this...this is easy you just insert ur name n tadaaa....so share ur results please~~~ 

Take quiz: http://www.blogthings.com/whatcolorisyournamequiz/

Share ur full results please~




          Your Name is Yellow



        Your name tells people that you are welcoming and cheerful. You are open to all the love in the world.

You are a warm person who can't help but make others feel comforted. You are truly radiant.

People see you as someone who has figured out the secrets to life. While that's not true, you do try to remain positive in the face of adversity.

You are the sunshine in other people's lives. You make more of a difference than you realize.


idk if i make anyone's life brighter....do i? but i know i'm more of moody type? i joke around but when i get annoyed/angry....it's ugly....huhu...so try not to make my mood turn bad but the meaning of my name does hav sth to do with....umm...sth bright like...sun?



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I got orange~ That sounds about right. My name (Stella) seems pretty bright and cheerful.
i'm blue ~~

"Your name tells people that you are friendly and caring. You have a strong sense of empathy, and you aren't afraid to wear your heart for all to see."- o.o i think i might be a little afraid..

"You can often be found in quiet reflection. You would rather think about something than act on it."-yeah iguess?

"People see you as insightful and intuitive. You usually have a wise take on what's going on."-suuuuuuuuuuure cuz i'm wise and all B)

"You try to rise above your instincts. You believe that it's important to live as good of a life as possible."-mhmm