Quiz #38 What Kind of Innovator Are You? (share results?)

this looks interesting so...

Take quiz: http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofinnovatorareyouquiz/

share results~





          You Are an Experimenter



        You believe in failure, at least on the way to success. You like to try a lot of ideas.

Conducting experiments is the only way you learn. Even if something flops, you get incredible knowledge from trying it.

Of all the types, you tend to be the most open to new ideas. You love concepts that are zany as long as they can be tested.

You are very data driven. It something works well, you don't question why it's effective - even if it's unconventional



^ idk...but sounds cool....so...yay...lol.

other results:



          You Are an Explorer



        You never know where you're going in the creativity process, and that's the beauty of how you think.

You need to get out there and start digging around in order to get inspired. You learn by doing.

You don't take anything for granted. You question all assumptions, models, and even common sense.

You know that there is more out there in the world to be discovered. And you're going to find at least some of it!





          You Are a Modifier



        You are not a radical when it comes to your innovations. You innovate incrementally.

You examine facts, make plans, and think of improvements. You deliberate over each step before implementing it.

You definitely come from the 'less is more' school of thought. You're more likely to subtract than to add.

You believe that little changes can make a huge difference. You would rather remake an idea than completely restart from scratch.





          You Are a Visionary



        You are a very insightful and intuitive person. You don't just dream though - you put your dreams into action.

You aren't the type of person who makes it up as you go along. Instead, you see an ideal endpoint and do what you can to get there.

You are good at providing others with direction, vision, and motivation ... especially when they get off track.

You may seem a bit zany, but there's always a method to your madness. You know why you're doing what you're doing.




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i'm an explorer \o/
i always wanted to be one *-* it seems fun :D

You never know where you're going in the creativity process, and that's the beauty of how you think.

You need to get out there and start digging around in order to get inspired. You learn by doing.

You don't take anything for granted. You question all assumptions, models, and even common sense.

You know that there is more out there in the world to be discovered. And you're going to find at least some of it!

<33 seems amazing *-* cuz am amazing \o/