Quiz #36 What Kind of Juice Are You?

Take quiz! http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofjuiceareyouquiz/

share ur results~



          You Are Tomato Juice



        You are unusual and unconventional. Some people find you a bit overpowering.

You're not normal, and that's totally okay with you. You're comfortable in your own skin.

You are outspoken and quirky. There's nothing subtle about you.

And while you're powerful, you're not stubborn. You can be quite flexible and adaptable.



^ well, what else can i say? this is fate!!! /eventhough eew, i can't drink that/....from opinions i gather...i guess, this is quite true?...yay for abnormal o_o....?


other results:


          You Are Cranberry Juice



        You're sassy and even a bit snarky at times. You have an edge to you.

And while you can be brutally honest, you're still quite a charmer.

You are confident, modern, stylish, and dazzling. You have an overpowering personality.

You're a bit of an acquired taste. People often wish you were sweeter.




          You Are Carrot Juice



        You are a warm, cooperative person. You work well with others.

While you have a fairly strong personality, you don't have a lot of clashes and conflicts.

You are ambitious, but not ruthlessly so. You won't step on anybody's feet to get to the top.

You are successful, and all your success has come while looking out for others.




          You Are Grapefruit Juice



        You are a trustworthy, serious, and mature person.

And while you are conscientious, you're also very cheerful.

You don't mind responsibilities, and you enjoy doing what has to be done.

You may not have discovered the meaning of life, but you've figured out how to be happy.




          You Are Apple Juice



        You're very likable and quite popular. It's hard not to find something to love about you.

You are playful and fun. You try to bring levity to situations.

While you are entertaining, you're not very hyper or mischievous.

You are laid back, low key, and even a bit sensitive.




          You Are Orange Juice



        You are an energetic, driven, motivated person.

You are always eager to get started, and you face each day with optimism.

You are bright and hopeful. You tend to see what's right as opposed to what's wrong.

You are generous and caring. You're always happy to give someone else a little energy boost!



^ glad didn't get this one -_-



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"You are an energetic, driven, motivated person."-will i'm driven by others i guess if i wana do somthing for others i get motivated but for me.. no.. too lazy..

"You are always eager to get started, and you face each day with optimism."-depend on the thing i'm gonna start xD

"You are bright and hopeful. You tend to see what's right as opposed to what's wrong."-YUSH! but people think that i'm always wrong cuz i think in a strange way :c will sorry ppl for being strange. >.>

"You are generous and caring. You're always happy to give someone else a little energy boost! "-huhuhuhuhu