
1) Confession about family:
Family as in mum, dad & siblings right? For me, my mum is my very first priority, putting aside God & religion. I wish I could give back what she has/had given me. One thing for sure is that, my mum expects a lot from me because mainly, i'm the eldest of her three children. Some times, i feel that she depends on me a lot that i feel burdened by it. I love my family and we are very close to one another.  I will consider anyone i truly love, family.
2) Confession about love:
Love. Family love? I was brought up in a loving home so I express my love to my family every chance i get because we never know what the future holds, same goes to my two best friends(irl). If relationship love, I am really bad in expressing it with my actions, i mean, i'd do alot for my boyfriend and i say 'i love you' to him pretty much all the time i feel like it, but sometimes i feel it is not enough because i don't know. I just feel that if you really love someone, you'd feel you haven't done enough to show them you love them, to make them believe that you really love them. It is damn confusing to me.
3) Confession about abilities:
I think i can dance freestyle the best through out my whole relatives and family that i know of (confident much lol).  I like to choreograph any songs i like that doesn't have a dance for it. I've performed as a back up dancer here and there, and i think i can catch on choreography pretty quick. I just wish people around me(irl) can have the same interest in the same dancing genre as i do, which is hip hop/freestyle. I spent my childhood thinking I don't sing that well because i think i was compared to my cousin, and she is more of a performer than me (cos i was a shy kid back then) so people think she has a talent for singing and can sing like high notes and stuffs, but i've found out that i too am able to reach those high notes. 
4) Confession about food:
FOOD. i am very much in love with salmon and peaches you have no idea. I eat what i want and i don't think i have high metabolism but my weight stays constant. But i don't think i eat a lot. I can go through a day with just one meal recently because i don't really feel hungry that much.  
5) Confession about money:
money is a very sensitive matter to me, i mean, if i got a million dollars, i'd give my mum $700,000 of it. I think everything and anyone needs money, with the world we live in now, it's all about money. I'm not naturally a materialistic, but i feel like i am forced to be. Everyone is. No money = No talk. I'd not eat to save money, like i care about money more than i care about my health, like as long as i don't die and i'm able to save money, i feel that i'll be happy. i really wish one day, someday, i would be able to shop without thinking if it fits under my budget. I want to spend lavishly and not care about how much i've spent.
6) Confession about lies:
lies, i don't really tell lies, like usually i just don't tell the whole truth. like, what you don't know can't hurt you. 
7) Confession about AFF:
i found out about AFF when i was scrolling through my tumblr dashboard back then in 2011, and i have never regretted clicking it ever since. I've met so many nice people here and amazing stories. Like, my english was really bad back then ( i got a C for my english exam mainly because i can't compose very well cos i dont really read novels or story books) but right after i got to AFF, i improved, and by improved i mean i got an A for my english. but last year AFF got mainstream like, i seriously don't like it if suddenly people just pops out of nowhere. I feel like it's harder to find a really nice fanfic that i would want to read. I don't even search for them anymore. I just click whatever and if it interests me, i'd read more, if it doesn't i'd stop reading. There's this one story, i never get to know the ending because the author deactivates her account, her story is my favourite story by far! It's called dissociation i think. amazing fic.


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