I Was Drowned in Sadness Earlier because of Jinki

Sometimes I always wonder if Jinki is a real person that exists and wantto know if he's just a man of my fantasies. Is Jinki a real person, and is he the same person I've fallen for? I know it may sound crazy that I ask but since I've never met him I don't know if I'm fooling myself or not. I guess I'm thinking this way because I only see him on TV and the internet and not in person, I don't know if he's real or not. It's so unreal for me to be so in love with a man who doesn't know I exist, and I don't if he exists...


I think I'm dying...slowly but surely dying...I wish I never knew Jinki


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MinMiShine94 #1
it's the same for me with minho I tend to feel like that some times
what can i say about my self i started to think that they are with me :S creepy i know
but what should i do *sigh* :'(
kpopoppa #3
Don't worry I'm the same. Jinki has no clue I'm even alive yet I'm so deeply inlove with him it hurts.
You know the funny thing is I always thought girls that fall for celebrities are ridiculous.
Look at me now...
Same. I always question myself with Daehyun, I mean I've seen him in person and we've shared contact at his concert last year in D.C. but other than that I wonder if he is actual the way he is or is he A WHOLE LOT different from what I've imagined and written about?????

These types of things always runt through my mind. . . . I guess because we are young these types of concerns and questions constantyl flow through our minds.
He is real. Always has been and always will be! Someday we will get to meet him! Just pray and work hard for it!