Book Review 'On Dublin Street'

On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

                         >Hey folks, I have just finish the first book of On Dublin Street and this book is pretty good and I really enjoyed it. A brief summary about this first book is about Jocelyn facing the painful fact that her family is dead. They died in a car accident, leaving her behind when she was still in highschool. Her relatives didn't want her, so she had to go to foster home at a young age. After she grew up, she moved away from her hometown, not really wanting to face her family's death. Throughout her life, she ignore and pretend that everything is alright. Finally, she moved houses and had a new roommate on Dublin Street. She met her roommate, but wanted to be alone. But apparently her roommate is a cheerful and kind, talkative that she couldn't ignore her. Before she knew she was with her roommate's rich brother,Braden as friends. They ed and had a contract that their relationship would be nothing but friends with benefits, but soon enough he wanted something more. Something deeper, that she couldn't handle. She was scared of losing loved ones that she pushes him away. He broke through her barrier and she told him all about her story. Before she can live a happy life as she hoped, something happens and seems that bad luck just can't seem to leave her. 


This book is overall funny and very enjoyable. I really like the fact that she has a strong personality and love how the chemistry Jocelyn and Braden is very deep that when she is jealous, he can read her immediately. I especially enjoyed the part where he walked in on her when she forgot her towel. So folks if you all want to read a good book, check this book out. (Note: This book is an -romance genre)


-Forevertogether <3 DB5K/JYJ


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Hii, i want to read this book too. Did u have pfd file of this book?