Happy Joker Day

I know KPop all along the way since I fall in love with JiHoon Oppa in 2004. So practically I was already too long in love with JiHoon oppa when Beast debut. As long as I remember there no Kpop group can ruin my love until I know Beast.

At first I fall in love with Hyunseung. Practically knowing Hyunseung you will learn about JunHyung too. There when I start to notice this ing cool rapper of Beast. I can't say I love Junnie more than Seungie or otherwise because I'm equally in love with both of them.

Today 19 December is a Joker-nim birthday. I wish all the good thing will come to him and Beast.

I'm already forget and forgive all JunHara thing because JunSeung always there for me. And I bet Junnie celebrating his birthday with his trouble maker Seungie.


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