I still remember the the day is first saw you......

It was on Win Win on a Tuesday night...

I was just beginning to like kpop and I remember when I saw you. You were talking about the music style Beast dances. You became my first bias and I didn't even know who you were until that following Sunday...

I saw you perform....


Beautiful Night on Music Bank. I never knew that in a few months I entered first fandom. I became a B2uty. Even though now I pay attention to other groups thanks to you Kiki Beast is and always be my bias group forever. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIKI!! MY TRUE FIRST BIAS (even though you aren't anymore since I can't choose a bias in BEAST)



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KiSeObB2STbias #1
*smack your head lovely(?)* hahahahhaha.. yahhhh!!!!!! andwae!!! you must keep him as your bias.. arasseo??!!! *fierce face* lol...
S-black_rose #2
Awww :D you did have a bias lol