mjin99 --> last-sowon

Hi guys,

Just to let you know, I changed my username, because I was getting bored of my old one and I use that other one for other accounts, so I thought why not change it to something that I already use for social networking sites?? 

So I have changed it to: last-sowon

This is kinda symbolic too cuz I just realised that it's been a year exactly since I made this account and I have been through some great moments and made great friends for a year, so I wonder what will happen with this username!! 



28/07/15- I made this post public, so everyone who may have read some stories that had the old username as the author or seen comments made with that old username do not get confused~



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_Insert_Username_ #1
Cool! I think it's nice to have a new name.
Makes you feel new. :p