4 Years! Wowza.

hellooo to all my wonderful muzicians! ^^

as most of you can tell (if you're coming from AFAA or just stumbled upon this by chance), I'm here to spread my thank yous to all you lovely people out there.

ahem. here i go.


honestly, I never knew that I would ever get to where I am today, and I know I always tell you guys this, but this is all thanks to your support, interest and love. I really can't tell you how much I'd like to thank you all. ^-^

writing has always been something that I've been fond of, and I'm grateful to have gotten the opportunity to share my thoughts and creativity with the world! 

It always saddens me to see authors stop writing due to their busy schedules or growing out of their passion. Authors also often state that they lose the will to write because they feel like writing is something they're demanded to do. To be honest, it does feel like that sometimes. Even if others don't pressure me, I involuntarily put pressure on myself to write something better. It's like that with sequels. If the first story was a hit and the second one was not as good, you feel like you didn't write it good enough and become disappointed a bit in yourself. I can relate to that.

I don't deny that a lot of authors on here will eventually get on with their lives - some will continue their passions with writing and others will just treat it as a past experience or a simple hobby. If you ask me though - I think that writing fanfics is not something to be looked down upon. It's a form of expressing your creativity, just using a different method. That's why I'm confident about what I do, and I hope many authors out there will be confident too! Even if you write a really stupid fic about something completely nonsensical, you're now 1 step closer to being better and being productive by using your talents. Plus - it's a good experience to have. 

Writing online has taught me so many things and this experience has really been great. Sure, I've had my fair share of haters, but hey - there is no place on Earth that wouldn't have 'em. ;) And of course, I love all you positive supporters out there! :D

I'm proud of what I do, and I'm really, honestly so grateful for everything you all have done. 

Every comment, every view, every wall post, every upvote. Even you, haters. Yes, I'm talking to you - because you made me stronger. xD

And hey, thanks for listening to my blurb post. Hope you'll stick around, continue to check out my stories, and support my work. :)

Thanks all,




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Woah! Its been that long! Wow you have gotten very far in fanfiction! Maybe thats what lead you to having so much views and subscribers. Congratulations on the 4th year! I will be looking forward of what comes in the future! ^^
Happy 4 yrs hun!
Elayasia #3
Congrats on your fourth year!!! Keep pressing on with writing, you are great. Yes I will continue to stick around.^.^