Younglo, Orbit, and BAP's 1ST WIN!

So it looks like the next part of 'Love and Other Miraculous Cures' will be Yonglo focused! It's fun to write, but I'm not a huge Younglo shipper so it's also a little difficult. They have a lot of moments and interaction though, so it's not too bad? If anyone want to give me some Younglo inspiration, feel free to do so!

I'm thinking I'll update 'Orbit' tomorrow, even though I'd rather wait a while b/c it's the last chapter I have pre-written. Normally, I like to stay ahead by a few chapters. I do have a lot of scenes written out for the future, but they haven't been linked together yet. ('s gonna happen, guys. I can't wait.) But it means that after my next update, it'll take a while for the next chapter to be up.

LASTLY, CONGRATS TO BAP ON THEIR FIRST WIN! So happy for the, they deserved it sooner, but at least they're getting it now! They looked so happy and shocked~ Here's to more successes in the future!


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YAY for BAP 1st win!!!
Ooh, can't wait for your update on orbit
And as for younglo, i actually wonder what kind of convos they have on daily basis in your pharmacy!au (aside from betting on bangdae lol), because their interactions are cute and funny