SpartAce and Monday Couple

I think the PDs of RM aren't oblivious to the SpartAce and Monday Couple rivalry that is happening in the internet. So to avoid bashing and such, they give way to both pairings. Because haven't you guys noticed? Every time a Monday Couple moment appears, a SpartAce moment appears on the next episode and vise versa. I dunno. It's just my opinion anyway :3


I hate hearing that SpartAce shippers are being mean and bashing up the MC shippers. I mean, I don't want to be streotyped as a bad SA fan because I am a hardcore SA shipper and I have tons of friends who love MC. They respect my decision and I respect theirs. Shouldn't we all just be happy that we love Running Man regardless who ships who or who looks better with who? If they found out that there is this feud in the internet world, I think they wouldn't like it one bit.


So, I'm just saying that we should get together and love Runnning Man :3




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netralshipper #1 enjoy !!
damnbored #2
Hmm.. Agree..

Why is there ever a need to fight? Come on, I read stories on Jihyo paired with Jong Kook, Joong Ki, Kwang Soo, Gary and even Yong Hwa, Jaejoong & Dong Wook.
To me, Jihyo looks good with any great guy. Hence, so long she is happy, I'll wish her all the best. ^_~
Agreed! I like SA and MC and enjoy reading stories about both. I didn't realize just how annoying the feud between the two camps was until I wrote a KJK/SJH/KG love triangle story. I heard that it's worse outside of AFF. It's crazy! But I guess when people are that passionate about something...