Slow Updates.

apologies for slow—extremely slow updates.

I'd like to think that I'm still up for writing but every time I try to push something out, nothing really comes to mind.
I keep wanting to start another story and not finish the ones I have. I guess you can say I'm a bit "bored". I treat writing as a hobby.
Somewhat of an escape from my every-day life (I prefer just sleeping).  I don't think I'm all that great at it, which this site has helped
me improved vastly.


From "What Could it Be" until my favorite stories ever written, "The Jeju Island Mansion" and "The Special Guest Room", I think all
my subscribers can tell how much I've improved for themselves. I hope one day I can return with the urge to write out but I guess
because I'm stuck in such a rut, the process is taking a while. Thanks for always being patient and I'll try to focus on bringing back,
"Breakable Ties", "The Bed and Breakfast" and possibly a new Soyu/Dasom story but that's a secret.

I think 2014's starting off a bit rocky but I have another ten months, so it could possibly improve greatly. I'm being optimistic here.

Thanks for taking the time out to read this and if you just glanced, hey, that's fine too. :-P


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fridhowati #1
Fighting,,, still waiting for your update,,,but don't push your self to much
LinYooJung #2
Don't push yourself too much. I believe you'll get the ideas you want very soon. I'll always be here waiting for you. Actually I just began trying to write a fiction and I just realized how hard it is...
Let's fighting together~ :)
Sure, take your time. It's hard to come up with ideas. It happens a lot to me too.