Weight-Loss Journal: Day 5

Hey, chingus!

So, today I went straight from my job at the grocery store to go babysit. I was explaining to the parents about my 100 day workout challenge when the youngest child comes up and asks what we're talking about. I explain about my weightloss journal, workout challenge, and even my note board.

Suddenly she's all, "Oh! Oh! I want to leave a note!" then looks straight at me and says: "I want Miss Kat to be more healthy so she can jump with us on the trampoline, and... and play more with me and bubba (what she calls her brother)... and... and not die! Yeah, write that!" Then she skips off.

I'm still not sure if I should laugh or cry.

This is Kat/writerinprogress94 signing off!


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She really cares about you~
That kid seems really cute and bubbly