Fun Times

Don't you just love winter?

That bone chilling breeze

Those sub zero temps

The ing ice. 

I fell on the ice and pulled a muscle and now I cannot move my ankle. This is so exhilarating. Are you excited? I totally excited. 

This is why I hate winter. 


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omo,unni get well soon ^^
Soulmateeee!! XDD
About two months ago I had to to walk around in my winter coat for the first time this winter and on my way back home in the evening (it hadn't even snowed yet) I told my friend that I would love it, if spring came now. That I enjoyed the winter but that it was enough now... ^_^

But I hope you're alright? Nothing serious, right? Maybe you should still get a doctor to take a look at it? Just to be sure... (My mom once fell down the stairs - only from the last step - and broke her foot...)
I hope you get well soon!! :))
Are you alright? I mean, you don't have a serious injury? No broken bones or anything? I hope not {>_<} Don't worry though because you'll be able to walk in no time if you rest your legs^^
Have you been to see a doctor yet? Check because there could be something more serious.
A friend of mine slipped on ice once and to this day, her knee has something wrong with it because it wasn't treated in time.
Please go to the doctor because I really don't want anything else to happen to you.

Get well soon {^_^}