O-M-G!!! My friend show me a picture of Taeyang and CL on instagram!!! And I find them very cute together(^-^) I'm a huge fan of ririn but after seeing the picture I start liking SUNSKY more!!! They look good together right(^^) Wat u all think?


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icedlollipop #1
I ship them from the very first time >.< kkk
I ship ririn but I do think sunsky is cute~~ ^^
I multi-ship Dara though. I ship Daragon and TabiSan.
I also ship TOPBom :3
Marianations #3
I multi-ship CL for some reason XD. But my favourite pairings for her are Skydragon - first K-Pop ship - and Ririn :P. But I also like Sunsky, they're adorable.
In a little way, I also ship SkyTempo XD