Brookwood Academy ∞ The Majestique Class // Moon Iseul



∞ Moon Iseul ∞ 


∞ This Is Me!

Username; LadyLokiofAsgard

Activeness; 10

Nickname; Anna


∞ Enrolment Details

Korean Name; Moon Iseul

English Name; Jasmine Isabella Moon

Nicknames; Jas - Called that by her older sister as an insult because no one mutilates her name

Date Of Birth; 27/10/97

Age; 16

Birthplace; London, England

Blood Type; AB-

Height; 159cm

Weight; 44kg


Fluent: English, Korean

Conversational: French

Basic: Italian, Spanish



∞ My Portfolio

Personality; If there was one word to describe Iseul, it would be "perfect". But lacking something, something right in the centre, something important like perhaps a heart. Because Iseul is one of the coldest persons that you will ever meet and even though she's pretty darn good at what she does, sometimes they wonder that when God created her, perhaps He forgot to give her a heart. Iseul is someone who is very much in control of herself because she only lets people see what she wants them to see and so nothing ever crosses her face other than her poker face or a smile so fake it pains people who bother to look closely enough. She seems almost emotionless because 'ugly' emotions like shock, anger or even surprise are never seen. It's always a bland smile. Iseul is someone who is indifferent to her surroundings, there could be a bloodbath in front of her and she wouldn't be able to bring herself to care. She's a passive girl with an apathetic attitude towards the world. While she's not shy, she is a bit of a quiet person who only speaks when she finds it necessary and doesn't waste her energy on useless things. She is a bit of an uptight person, always serious and doesn't really have a social life or do anything just for the sake of doing things. She's so in control of herself that she forgets how to have fun.

However despite her "I don't care" outside, the truth is that the opinions of others do matter to her. She is a sensitive person and gets heavily impacted by what other people say or think about her. Her image is everything and she tries so hard to not get people to hate her but in that, it doesn't mean that they like her. While Iseul is not a loner, she is someone who is quite selective about her friends. She has a few trust issues and is wary and suspicious around strangers. Iseul is a very private person, someone closed who prefers to keep her personal life and her public life as separate as possible and she is reluctant to tell others about herself. Iseul is also an independent person, someone who works best alone and "doesn't play well with others" because she hates having to depend on other people. She has to remain strong, she hates showing weakness, showing vulnerability. She's someone who is a realistic, logical person, someone down-to-earth and maybe even a bit cynical. She scoffs at people with idealistic optimism and their heads in the clouds because she doesn't believe in miracles and decisions influenced by sentimentality. With her friends, she has a bit of a sarcastic streak and is nothing without her wit; a sharp mind and an even sharper tongue. Iseul is someone who is bluntly honest about things, she doesn't believe in sugar-coating things but she isn't going to just offer her opinion out of the blue, no she will only answer questions if they are directly asked to her.

But what truly wraps up this little bundle of cold apathy and trust issues is her low self-esteem. Iseul has an incredibly lack of self-confidence and a record low self-esteem. She has absolutely no belief in herself, she never thinks that she's good enough and is already convinced that she's a failure at anything she does. She has an inferiority complex where she believes herself to be a waste of air. Because of that, she's always pushing herself to the limits to be better, to be stronger, smarter, better at everything. She holds little to no regard for her own health and wellbeing as she becomes so focused on those little things to prove herself to be someone worthy. She can be incredibly stubborn and obstainate when it comes to these things. While her hard-working nature and determination is admirable in other situations, in these where she is literally working herself to the bone to be better, it changes the entire meaning. You could even call her selfish. But this low self-esteem and the constant work stemming from it is a childish way to take care of a long-lasting problem. Yet in a way, Iseul is stilll a very childish person at heart as she focuses on things with such a single-minded child-like obsession. Iseul is obsessed with perfection, she has to practise and practise until there are no more mistakes. In fact she's OCD about it, about being perfect, a perfectionnist on crack.

Background; It's a hard life being born into the long shadows thrown by your perfect siblings but for Iseul, she was born into the darkness, the knowledge that her parents would never be able to see her as more than simply the 'less-than-perfect' sister. Most people would have called Iseul fortunate. She was born into a very wealthy family that lived in the high-end side of London. Her father is a CEO of numerous hotel chains across the world and her mother was a world-famous supermodel, and though she no longer did runway shows in her older years, she was still a well-respected and sought after modelling veteran. The two of them were the match of the century. Their first child was named "Rowan" and he grew up to be the perfect son and took after his father; tall, handsome, sporty and smart, after all he was his father's heir. Their second child "Lily" was born two years later and their first daughter was as beautiful as her mother and as clever as her father. She was just as perfect as the son, gorgeous, popular, smart and sporty. Four years later, their third and final child was born, a daughter which they named "Jasmine" (As Jasmine is her English name and is what she is primarily known as. Iseul is only used in Korea, her family calls her Jasmine). Iseul was a pretty child but she had more delicate and softer features, her features were more timeless and not as striking and attention grabbing as her sister's. She didn't inherit the tall stature of her parents, Rowan stood at 185cm, Lily stood at 169cm but she only managed to get up to 159cm. She was the silver medalist during the carnivals, 2nd in the grade and only the second most popular girl in the school.

Iseul was born into the shadows. She was destinied to live the rest of her life out there. Her older brother and her older sister had only two years betwen them and as a result, the two of them were very close. But Iseul was four years apart from Lily and six years from Rowan and that caused a rift between the siblings, it was Rowan-Lily against Iseul. Iseul was constantly looked down on and belittled by her older siblings, Lily moreso than Rowan because while Rowan simply ignored and snubbed Iseul, Lily outwardly bullied her younger sister. And their parents favoured the perfect children; their mother doted on Rowan and their father adored Lily. They played favourites so obviously and while they didn't abuse Iseul, they did kind of neglect her. Rowan and Lily could do nothing wrong, they were the perfect children, the godsends. Anything that went wrong in the hosue was blamed on Iseul and Lily took great joy in framing Iseul for some things. But Iseul couldn't fight back because their parents would always take Rowan and Lily's side over her side. She was given no voice in the house, she held no power. When she came home excitedly waving a certificate, her parents didn't praise her for getting 99% but simply shook their heads in disappointment saying that "Rowan and Lily topped the grade with full marks every time." Iseul would overhear them discussing at times how Iseul was so different to their other two children, how she was almost a failure. But Iseul was desperate to make them acknowledge her, to earn their approval despite their lack of love for her. But every time she tried, she could never reach that bar that she'd set but her parents didn't even encourage her. They told her to stop trying because "Not everyone can be a Rowan or a Lily. Some people just weren't born for this."

You must understand that it would be very hard for a little girl to be constantly disappointed and belittled. Everytime her parents refused to acknowledge her, everytime Rowan ignored her, every time Lily taunted and laughed at her with no repercussions, a little piece of her heart broke off. Eventually it shattered, she just couldn't take it anymore! She closed in on herself, developing a cold attitude to cope with all of this and quietly her wounds, her destroyed self-esteem and her lack of ability to be able to trust other people with her heart when they could break it so easily. And it did work slgihtly. When Lily realised that Iseul no longer reacted (outwardly) to her taunts, she ceased doing them and just left her alone. Her cold persona gave her something that she'd wanted, a little peace and quiet but it had also made everyone around her become pushed away. Now, remember how their family is very wealthy? Wealthy people do wealthy people things. Her parents played golf, their children learnt how to horse-ride, fence and dance, all of those 'cultured' and 'gentlemanly/ladylike' things. They were sent to elite private schools and as their families were quite up there, they held quite a bit of status there. While Rowan and Lily were good at anything they did, Rowan had an affinity for sports such as fencing, golf and basketball. Lily had an affinity for all types of dance but mostly ballet. And Iseul had both a natural talent and a passion for horses. Lily detested horse-riding but endured it anyway because it was part of her cultured persona. The only part she liked was that she got a beautiful chestnut American Saddlebred to play around with; she didn't care to take care of the horse and hated their smelly nature. Rowan found horse-riding to be tedious and a 'girly' sport thus he had decided not to take it up and their parents let him because he was their favourite after all.

But Iseul loved horses and always did. She loved everything about them, their looks, their raw power and even the earthly smell of their manure. Of course, their mansion had stables and the stables held numerous horses, thoroughbreds, arabians, american saddlebreds, akhal-tekes, andalusians etc. Iseul had always been very involved with the horses and when she was young, she would often escape to the stables to clear her mind and maybe go for a ride. She was given compulsory lessons from the small age of 6, starting with connemara ponies. When she turned 10, she was given the option to drop the classes, one that Rowan had taken and Lily partially took as well. But she continued because she truly loved it and it was something that she was better at than her siblings. Though she loved all horses, at the stables she had always shown a particular fondness for the Andalusians and thus for her 10th birthday, she was given a 3 year old grey (white) Andalusian gelding for her birthday. Though she had competed in competitiosn before, she had always used the stable horses, usually "Storm", a black Arabian but now with her own horse, she was going to take care of him. She loved him and as he was already 3, he already had the barn name "Tybalt" but she chose "Spirit of Witner" for his show name as his coat was like the freshly fallen snows of Christmas. Tybalt and Iseul were a dynamic pair. With him, she won numerous competitions and only around him did her softer side come out. Despite her steadily increasing victories,, her parents were still not coming around. She specialised in classical dressage, especially haute e'cole and it was when she was 14, winning another competition with Tybalt that she was approached by a Brookwood Academy representative. They could see her talent and wanted her to join the Majestique Class with a full scholarship. Of course, she still had to formally apply but it was pretty certain that she would make it. And that seemed both good and bad to her. See, her parents planned to send her to the same elite private high school that her siblings went to but there, she would simply be known as the Moon's youngest daughter, not as Jasmine/Iseul. But Brookwood Academy had a horse-riding program which was her passion. But if she went to Korea, she would have to leave Tybalt behind. But staying behind meant that she would still be living under her siblings shadows.

So she made the tough decision to try for the scholarship and she made it. As soon as she finished middle school in England, she would be packing her bags and leaving to board in Korea at Brookwood Academy. She was saddened to leave Tybalt behind but it would only be three years and besides, Tybalt was only 7 years old, and he would only be 10 when she came back. It wasn't like she wouldn't visit him. Iseul entrusted Tybalt's care to the stablehand whom she knew would take good care of him. During one of the vacations, she was flown to Korea on one of her parents' private jets to pick out a horse. And she found a beautiful buckskin Lusitano stallion. Most Lusitano's a grey and a buckskin Lusitano is rather rare. And Lusitanos are a rare breed in general and as a purebred they are incredibly expensive. But Lusitanos are cousins of Andalusians and are one o the few horses along with Andalusians and Lippizannrs that can perform Iseul's specialty, haute e'cole dressage correctly. She decided that she would take him and keep him as a stallion rather than make him a gelding. 'Phoenix' as he was aptly named was a fiery, temperental horse and Iseul did the honours of personally breaking him in as he was 2 1/2 when she first saw him. But soon, she managed to gain his trust and though he remained a bit unruly at times, he became loyal only to her while bucking off anyone else that dared to try to ride him. The two of them formed a special bond that she didn't have with Tybalt as he came broken in and docile.

And so last year, at 15 years of age, she started studying at Brookwood Academy with her steed Phoenix. She needed the time away from her family, from Rowan's blatant ignorance of her, from Lily's taunting glances and her parents disappointed looks. She would prove herself at Brookwood Academy and make them finally proud of her.

Flaws; Cold attitude, low self-esteem, trust issues, lack of care for her own well-being, uptight, can't have fun

Likes; Pretty things, fresh snow, horses, apples, strawberries, chocolate, sweet things in general, summertime, the colour red, perfection

Dislikes; Ugly things, dirty things (unless horse related), manual labour (unless horse related), citrus fruits, medicine, bugs, rain and thunderstorms, making mistakes, the colour orange

Hobbies; Horse-riding, playing the violin, sketching, origami, painting, contemporary dance, shopping, horse-riding, horse-riding, more horse-riding, did I mention horse-riding?


- When sad: Holds it in and doesn't allow herself to cry in public before running to her room or to the stables and crying her heart out

- When happy: She allows a small, genuine smile to fall past her mask but for her, that's a full-blown grin

- When angry: She doesn't allow herself to resort to violence but instead lets it out through horse-riding or just spending time with Phoenix/Tybalt (depending on what country she's in). Then she plots up the best dish of revenge served straight from the freezer

- When worried: She gets jumpy and her hands twitch and shake at times. She tries to keep completly still but can't stop those little muscle jumps

- When lying: her voice goes higher and she fidgets so it's pretty obvious

- When nervous: She does the same things over and over again, like before a competition she'll continuously check the saddle and brush her horse over and over again to calm her nerves and make sure everything's perfect

Fears; Claustrophobic, death


- Left handed

- Has Diabetes Type 1 and is anaphylactic to all nuts except almonds and peanuts (yet another strike against her as her siblings are alawys in perfect health)

- She's a moderately light sleeper and sleeptalks

- Definitely not a morning person

- Doesn't eat much for breakfast, sometimes skipping out on it altogether

- She has long, blue-black, naturally wavy hair which she either leaves down or puts in a high ponytail. But for riding, she keeps it in a slicked back bun

- She has a birthmark of a snowflake on her left hip

- She allows no one else to touch Phoenix because 1. he is a horse that is hard to control and would kick anyone else and also because she loves him and wants to keep him safe

- She goes out on a trail ride almost every day and trains even when she's not needed to

- She has quite a few ear piercings and a belly piercing which she usually wears a bird belly ring because she wishess he could be free

- She's religious, Catholic and goes to church every Sunday and wears her cross necklace

- Her style is very much centred around riding. Unless she needs to, she usually is wearing pants, tight pants and boots because that means that she can hop onto a horse whenever she wants while dresses and skirts just get in the way. She loves wearing boots, any type and that's what she usually wears

- She wears insoles because of her short stature but obviously when riding, she takes them out

- Despite what her family thinks of her, she is actually a pretty smart person with photographic memory

- Because Iseul has been training for such a long time, she is very good at what she does, enough so to be able to compete with the age groups above her.

- Phoenix has a distinctive star marking on his face which is almost in the shape of a white flame



∞ Confidence Boosters


father | Charles Michael Moon | 54 | CEO | Uncaring, manipulative, clever, cunning, patient, plays favourites, high expectations | Iseul can never live up to his impossibly high expectations and he doesn't like failures. He clearly adores Lily because she's everything he wanted in a daughter but Iseul is simply a disappointment. They don't have a close relationship because he mostly just belittles her. | alive

mother | Alexandria Bella Moon | 49 | Former Supermodel | Air-headed, ditzy, smarter than she looks, naive, sly | She finds Iseul to be her poor baby girl, it wasn't her fault htat she just wasn't as good as her siblings! Like that makes Iseul feel any better. She pays more attention to Rowan than anyone else and while she's not directly cruel, or intentionally mean, her ignorant attitude causes more harm than good. | alive

older brother | Rowan Charlie Moon | 22 | University Student majoring in Business | Traditional, cold, judgemental, serious, hard-working, ambitious, prideful | He likes to pretend that Iseul doesn't exist because he can't believe that he has a failure of a little sister. He mostly ignores and snubs her despite how much she wants him to accept her, for his attention. She just wants to have a proper older brother, is that too much to ask for? | alive

older sister | Lily Alexis Moon | 20 | University Student majoring in Arts | Cruel, superior attitude, y, clever, selfish, self-righteous, cunning | Perhaps it is because they are both the daughters in the family that the two of them have the worst relationship out of them all. Lily detests Iseul, hates her very existence and how she isn't the only daughter anymore. And while Iseul wants to be on good terms with everyone else, she doesn't care about Lily because Lily has constantly picked on her and bullied her, framing her for things that weren't her fault. The two of them have a terribly relationship. | alive


Krystal Jung | 16 | The two of them at Brookwood Academy. She was not part of the Majestique Class but almost made it. The two of them sharede the same classes but properly met when they went on a trail ride togethe. | Blunt, honest, logical, efficient, playful, adorable, loyal, protective | Despite only having known each other for a year, the two of them are already best friends and as time passes, their bond only gets stronger. Krystal is also from an Engilsh speaking country and their knowledge of English made them even closer. From time to time, they can have some fights but they always get over it and it makes their friendship even more.

Gabriel Rosier | 21 | Gabriel started to work as s stable hand for the Moon family six years ago, firstly as a part time job as he was only 15 at that time. But when he turned 18, he started working there more and more often whilst studying at university. He loves horses, and it was when Iseul was 13 years old that the two of them met. Iseul was taking care of Tybalt and he was working there as usual and she started talking to him because he was still relatively young. | Mischievous, cheeky, reckless, patient, childish, responsible | He is the only one that Iseul would trust to take care of Tybalt while she is at Brookwood Academy. That is because she knows that his love for horses is genuine and Gabriel has always had a soft spot for the Andalusian and Iseul both.

Lee Taemin | 18 | Taemin attends All-Stars Academy and they met at a competition. His discipline is eventing and it was a combined competition. Iseul had just finished competing and Taemin was rushing because his mare was misbehaving and he had to fix the saddle. Iseul helped Taemin with it, despite their schools being rivals and then just walked away silently. After he finished, he caught up with her again, asked her name and they became unlikely friends. They met a year ago. | Bright, cheerful, optimistic, level-headed, energetic, hard-working | Their personalities are almost complete opposites but they say that opposites attract. But their relationship is strictly platonic, the two of them are like brother-sister and despite Taemin being 2 years older, they get along fabulously. He's the one who usually tries to drag her out to have a bit of fun.



∞ Not You Again

Rival Name / Age; Kim Hyuna / 17

School; Royal Palentine High School

Personality; Hello miss Queen Bee. Hyuna is the 'it girl', popular and y. All the guys want to be with her and she is well aware of her charm. She's a seductive girl, flirty and charming and she can get someone wrapped around her finger in less than a minute. Hyuna is used to having people fawn over her, to having power. She's a bit of a selfish, arrogant person. A real party animal, sociable and outgoing with a bubbly side to her. She's also very competitive, she has to be number one because she is always used to having victory and has developed a sense of self-righteousness. And like all popular girls, Hyuna...can be a bit of a . She's a witty person, smarter than she looks and insults people with a sharp precision. People are either scared of her or in love with her, either way ,the hallways are cleared when she struts through them with her two tagalongs in tow.

Reason of Rivalry; There are two reaons for their rivalry. One is in the competitive ring. Hyuna and Iseul are both dressage competitors, both in haute e'cole. Hyuna owns a grey Lippizanner mare and she has always been the victor. Because Iseul's has pretty advanced dressage skill, she can compete against juniors and even senios if she so wishes. But there are also events where the entire school competes as one. Iseul and Hyuna both have pretty high skill levels and the two of them would take out number one and number two. But Hyuna has always had number one and so has Iseul, both of them are top-notch and are competing heavily for victoriy. And there's also the matter of love. Hyuna is the most popular girl in Royal Palentine, in her grade and in the school. Kim Jongin is the most popular boy in Royal Palentine. The two of them are expected to get together but Jongin has shown no interest in Hyuna's charms and no one snubs Hyuna, especially not for some sophomore from Brookwood Academy!



∞ School Identification

Ulzzang Name; Byeon Seo Eun

Links; one two three four five + gallery 1 + gallery 2



∞ Riding Tall

Horse Name; Phoenix + Show: Risen from Ashes

Plotline; The Broken Buckskin

Desired colour; Black

Strengths; Dressage - Haute E'cole

Weakness; Showjumping



∞ He's my rival, but I love him

Love interest / Age; Kim "Kai" Jongin / 17

School / Horse Name + Best Discipline; Royal Palentine High School / Summer (A Midsummer's Night Dream) + Showjumping [NB: Summer is a chestnut Dutch Warmblood mare]

Personality; Flirty and charming, those are two words that aptly sum up Kim Jongin. Jongin is mr popular at Royal Palentine, sporty, good-looking and talented especially at horse-riding. He has this sort of charisma that makes people gravitate towards him, he's outgoing, friendly and sociable. Jongin flirts like he breathes and hits on almost every pretty girl in the vicinity. He's been said to have a silver tongue with his quick remarks and sometimes he makes the lamest jokes and pick-up lines but rolling off an attractive man like him and with his adorable smile, it doesn't seem cheesy at all. Jongin's most admirable trait is that he's so very passionate about horse-riding and he believes that it is his duty to spread that pasion to other people. When it comes to competitions, he's a serious person who works hard unlike his normal attitude. You see, Jongin is a bit of a troublemaker. He revels in chaos and does things that tread the line between staying and getting expelled. Reckless, daring and careless, he is an adrenaline junkie who just wants to have some fun in his life. He hates boredom with a passion, all he wants to do is play around and live merrily. He's a mix between the resident bad boy and the class clown.

Jongin also has a strong moral compass. He believes in justice over mercy and sometimes, he's been called cruel about his thought patterns. He acknowledges that sometimes he is not a good person but he will always try to be a right person. His biggest flaw is probably his arrogance. He is an egoistcal person, self-centred and conceited. He has a bit of a 'holier-than-thou' attitude and he can be a bit of a narcissit. Most of it stems from how other people treat him, how even though he breaks the rules, he's stayed in the school for this long and he believes that he can get away with anything. His most admirable trait is his devotion to his loved ones. He's always willing to help a friend in need and can be protective over them. With his lovers, he easily gets jealous and possessive which is cute to an extend and just over-the-top for the rest. Despite all that, it's hard not to love Jongin because he's just so darn likeble, someone who brings out the best in everyone.

Relationship; Frenemies. The two of them know each other, mostly through Taemin as Jongin and Taemin are the bestest of friends and Iseul is Taemin's best girl friend. That doesn't mean that the two of them get along. While they know each other, Jongin doesn't understand how anyone call make friends with 'too cold for you' Iseul and Iseul can't stand Jongin's arrogant attitude. And of course, there's Hyuna trying to latch onto Jongin's arm. Taemin's just had enough. The two of them are constantly at each other's throats but Taemin can see the tension between them and just wants to smush them together and go 'now kiss!'.


∞ End of Year

Comments; I love horses so much. I've asked for a horse every year for Christmas but Santa hasn't put anything in my stocking yet. But this is jsut as awesome.

Suggestions; Well I could probably implement them myself but nothing yet. I'll think of something eventually, don't you worry darl!

Scene Requests;

- Iseul gets hospitalised because of diabetes/anaphylaxis/injury (you choose)

- Taemin, Jongin, Iseul and Krystal go out to Karaoke/movies together to hang out

- Hyuna and Iseul compete and Iseul wins which makes Hyuna go off her rocker (Iseul is part of the Majestique class after all, she would probably win most of the time)

- Hyuna tries (succeeds? Fails?) to sabotage Iseul

- Iseul and Phoenix training really hard for an upcoming competition

- Iseul goes out on a trail ride on Phoenix and bumps into Jongin on Summer. The two of them end up riding together.

- Taemin starts to set up his friends together numerous times by locking them in the closets and stuff

- When there are sparks starting to fly, at a party Hyuna kisses Jongin on the lips in front of Iseul and makes Iseul completely shattered

- They have an adorablly cliched kissing-in-the-rain-wrist-grabbing-wall-slamming-angst-filled confession

- (Not related to Iseul but) Taemin gets lonely when his two friends who are now together always hang out and make him free like a third wheel. But Taemin gets a girl (Krystal or another applicant)











∞Thank You!



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