12 Days of EXO: D.O~


~On the fifth day of EXO, D.O gave to me

5 exsquisite meeeeaaalllsss!

(Ok, this gif is just too cute)



~4 Trolling comments


~3 cute dogs


~2 Gucci bags


~And an eye smile and a bubble tea!~


D.O oneshot: Little helper

Your parents were coming to Christmas dinner. No big deal, right?

Your in-laws are coming to Christmas dinner. No big deal, right?


Being the idiot you were, you said that you would be preparing an exsquisite meal for all of you to eat on such a joyous holiday. Of course your parents took it as a joke, but D.O's parents thought you were utterly serious. The only thing you knew how to cook was ramen! Once you even burnt a microwave burrito! That's how bad of a cook you are.

So there you were, standing in the kitchen as if you were on a different planet.

"Ok, so, chicken. Can't be hard, right?" you were mumbling things as you got a whole chicken out of your fridge. "Ok, so it's out... what do I do now?"

"Need help?" a familiar voice asked. You turned to see your amused husband grinning at you.

"No, I can do this myself... I think. Besides, you have to pick up all the gifts, you don't have time."

"It won't take too long to get the gifts. Let me help."

"No, it's sad enough that my husband cooks better than me. I want to try this myself. Once I set the kitchen on fire I'll let you handle it."

He laughed at you and kissed your cheek. "Ok, I'll be back."

You looked at the foreign kitchen again and took a deep breath. You could do this. You kept telling yourself that but your confidence was running low.

"How am I supposed to do this?... Youtube! Youtube has all the answers!" you grabbed your laptop and set it on the counter. "How, to, cook, chicken." you typed in. You found a few video tutorials and took notes as if it were an SAT.


D.O came home half an hour later after picking up a few last minute gifts and was a bit nervous. He didn't want to come home to a burnt kitchen or bleeding wife. The possibilities were endless. Luckily, nothing was burnt, but there was flour and other ingredients all over the kitchen, even on you. He couldn't help but laugh and you turned in surprise.

"Having fun?"

"No." you pouted. "I can't stuff this damn chicken."

"Don't you normally stuff turkeys?"

"YOU stuff turkeys on thanksgiving. I eat the stuffing when your done. I was just going to stuff it with vegetables but I can't even cut the vegetables right."

D.O shook his head and grabbed a cloth. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked as he wiped your face clean. He then kissed the tip of your nose.  "Let me do it."

"No! I want to do this." you replied stubbornly.

"Fine, let me help then. Let's start with the vegetables." he led you to the cutting board and vegetables. He picked up the knife and you looked at it nervously. He stood behind you and put it in your hand. "Calm down, it's ok. I won't let it cut you."

You two were there, cutting things together. His hand guided you through it all as you were enveloped in his arms. You felt a lot more assured with him helping you.

"Done. That wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked. You smiled and shook your head sheepishly. "Now, let's go season the chicken so we can stuff it."

You pulled out the said spices that the recipe recquired and set it by the chicken that D.O set in a pan.

"Sprinkle salt on there." he told you. You did as told and he gave you a look. "It won't explode, put more on there." he took your hand and sprinkles more on it. "Now pepper." You put pepper on it until he nodded and put other spices on it with names you couldn't pronounce.

After seasoning and stuffing the chicken D.O let you put the chicken in the oven proudly.

"What next?" you asked.

"Well, I actually prepped mashed potatoes and a casserole last night." he admitted.

"But I told you I was going to cook."

"I know, but I knew you'd have trouble." you would have argued back but he was 100% correct. You just sighed too yourself and sat at a bar stool.

"I'm hopeless."

"No, you're not." he put his arms around you and kissed your cheek. "I can teach you how to cook. We can do it together."

"But I want to cook a meal for you."

"You will be able to one day. Just not now. I want this to be an us thing. Besides, I like cooking for my beautiful wife. It's a thank you."

"A thank you for what?"

"For completing me... And for bearing my children."

Your hand went to your stomach automatically. "We have one on the way, don't get too ahead of yourself."

"I just can't wait to tell our parents. They'll be so happy."

"My dad might want to kill you at first, but then he'll remember that we're married and not foolish teenagers and be ok."

"He almost killed me when I kissed you sophomore year."

The memory made you laugh and you turned to kiss his lips. "I love you."

D.O smiled gently down at you and kissed you again. "I love you."


The moment of truth came... they were trying your chicken. Hopefully your touch didn't make it automatically taste bad. Your parents ate it hesitantly, in fact, they waited for D.O's parents to taste it first.

"Kyungsoo, this is delicious." Mrs. Do commented.

"I didn't make it, ____ did." he took your hand and gave you a sweet smile. Your eyes widened and you looked at your parents, who were shocked.

"She did?"


"She did." D.O interjected before you could say anything.

"I like it a lot." Mr. Do nodded.

"We also have news." D.O added.

Not only were you flustered from the lie your husband told, but now you had to tell your parents that you were pregnant. Breathe. Breathe.

"What is it?" your mother asked.

"Uh, mom, dad." you squeezed D.O's hand. "Mr. and Mrs. Do... I'm pregnant."


"Really?" your mom spoke first. You nodded. "OMO! My baby is having a baby!" she hugged you, even Mrs. Do seemed happy.

"How far along are you?"

"Five weeks." you told her.

"Omo, this is so exciting. We have to buy baby things and throw a shower!"

You rolled your eyes as your mom rambled on with Mrs. Do. D.O was awkwardly avoiding your fathers death glare. Luckily Mr. Do stepped in with some kind words.

"I love you." you mouthed to D.O. He flashed his precious smile and you could almost imagine it on your child. He bent down and kissed your cheek.


Finally. I didn't plan on your character on being pregnant, it kinda just happened 0_0


Hope you liked it! Love love LOVE Kyungsoo!


So cute xO


Omg... gonna die


Must. Pinch. Cheeks!!!



Since when did cute look so hot...?


Happy D.O day! <3


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Oh god, why am I letting all these gorgeous men ruining my life?!