So I'm injured

I've been in a bad car accident as of Dec. 2nd 2013, all updates are on hold until I recover.



EDIT: I was asked what happened and to save myself from typing it over and over, here's what happened: I don't remember how it happened tbh but I was told I hit some tire tread from someone's blown tire and lost control of my car, slammed into the guard rail and spun across the lanes to the other side. I totaled my car and have a bruised face, burns on my arms and chest, and a sprained shoulder :/


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that sounds awfull!!!:O
get well soon babes!<3
Oh god, get well soon honey!
FallenTwin #3
Oh god! Get well soon! I am so happy you didn't die! How could that even happen?! /hugs from Sweden/
Oh my that sounds terrible, best regards for your health! Get well soon!
lonelyleap #5
Hope you get better soon
kausalluveunhae #6
OMG...hope you get well well neh.. XD
That , hope you get better soon :D
hope u get better.
oh my god what. kakao me now.