
I have a hobby. If you've read one of my fanfic titled Heart Attack, I mentioned in my foreword that it was kinda based on my real life story. Like probably 80% of it is true. Or maybe even in Goodbye Summer. Though it's based on a dream 60% of it was based on my life experience so far. In those fics, theres one thing in common in which is that the OC is a member of the choir or some singing club. In truth, I'm from my school choir back in my 2nd year of high school. I love to sing. When I'm bored, I sing. When I shower, I don't sing but I just hum to some random song in my head. I'm a christian so whenever I go to church and they announce that they need people to join the choir, I'd always be like one of the few people to join. Kekeke. I started singing since like I was 10. I realised that I love to sing after watching High School Musical (Don't judge me, I was young). From that moment on, I would start singing to songs and probably make covers. When I was 12, I got recruited in my church's children's choir and it was my first time performing on stage. It was scary but I enjoyed it. And the following year, everyone of my age in church was asked to form a choir and performed during a  church conference. Then I turned 14, I joined the school choir. My friends would sometimes ask me to collaborate with them when they're making covers. But I would often refuse cause I'm shy. Keke. But after joining choir, I realised that singing doesn't come from your throat and it's not just making beautiful sounds. It can be a form of exercise cause you're using your abdominal muscles. Keke. Last year, after I was done with my exams my school planned some post exam activities and we had to select "modules". They call it elective module but it has nothing to do with our grades but it can help us for our college/tertiary education. There was a module "music producer" and it was my first choice. I got that module together with my friends and it was a 3-day thing. So like we had to write a song but my friends and I were dying in their studio. Eventually we did wrote the song. So yea. ^^ keke. Its not a love song cause my friend, Doyeon (not her real name just covering it), wanted to write an appreciation song. Yea. ^^ It's getting late so I better end my post here.

Peace out

President of Cat Union


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