just venting a little... people should learn when to back off

While I am grateful to all who have helped me, I would appreciate it if you would keep your noses out of my personal life. It is not your right to go snooping into my everyday life to find out what I have and have not done. I have a lot more on my plate right now than just worrying about school work. Who the hell can worry about school stuff when you are worrying about how you are going to put your next meal on the table for your kids, or how you are going to explain to them that you can't afford to buy them a Halloween costume. What's worse we are barely making it by as it is, and pretty soon if we don't have the money for our home we could lose that too, leaving us nowhere to go... I'm so sorry that I am not living up to your standards, but you know what school work is the last damn thing on my mind right now, because honestly I have been freaking the hell out! I don't know how we are going to make it and the only thing these people can worry about is the fact that I haven't turned in some school work? Does any of this make sense? Shouldn't the school that I am taking classes at not talk about my personal stuff??? Either way I have more on my plate than I really care to admit but you know what, I am dealing with it the best way that I know how right now and if you don't like it, that's just too damn bad.


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