EXO Sehun...

I just watched EXO's episode at China Big Love Concert (130818 and 130825) and i realised that the pepero game in the trailer wasn't in the episodes, so i looked it up and......

i see why it wasn't aired now...


can i get your opinion guys?

i was really shocked when sehun and lay actually kissed and didn't even back away like they were shocked, sehun sort of looked like he didn't mind


maybe it'sjust me, i don't know


hunhan is slowly fading away and it's sad.....


let me know what you think please :)


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I don't know but I think ing is cool. Give them a chance =)
I'm actually happy....
Hunhan actually got old fast. ing is so in, muahahah!!!!
It was so good
I was really surprised too. I mean like in other groups' games, if their lips accidentally touched, they would at least be shocked. Lay and Sehun were smiling like GEEEZ yo WOW and I loved Tao's reaction. TaoxSehun xD. Aw you like Hunhan? I like Kray so it kind of set me back too ahaha. But yeah I was like *_* I'm never changing my profile pic now.
there's actually the full show being aired!