
Getting more hate... Woohoo -_-. Earlier, I accused annie and Miara and them of sending me hate because they've been neglecting me and such. But someone sent Annie hate and they all thought it was me. And the truth of what they thought about me spilled. The thing I have no life, no friends, I'm a mean ... I don't know what to do anymore.

hate so far: 

ugh, it's so simple Jazlyn. Just stop trying to be emo or whatever your trying to pull. We all get it. Nobody likes you.even in elementary I bet. I bet a lot of people bullied you. And trust me, I'd come up and say this to your face, but I never know where the hell you are.

trouble-maker. . Why you gotta snitch on people. You little

I like your elephant legs. .

your emo

And it's true, I've been bullied since the 3rd grade.

Reasons why I should commit suicide: 

#1: everyone hates me


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