update 1/9/2013


  • Frequently asked questions.
  • second account update
  • false account
  • little giveaway at the bottom ;) be sure to read it till the end.


Frequently asked questions:

Question: How do you gift karma?

Ans: Simple. Go to the "gift karma" section and scroll down. Fill in the neccessary details and submit.

Question: How do you request?

Ans: PM me the format of the advertisement and tell me the number of advertisements you want. Note that you need to inform me when you've sent the karma.

Question: Are there any advantages from your advertisements?

Ans: I can't really confirm on this one. It all depends if the users want to subscribe to the story. I have totally no control over this. But what I can confirm is that I will subscribe and upvote to your stories. This special offer only applies to people who have requested for more than 50 advertisements.

Extra info:

25 advertisements- nothing

50 advertisements- 1 subscriptions and upvote

100 advertisements- max 3 subsciptions and upvots

200 advertisements- subscribe and upvote to all your stories.


Shoutout to my second account:

Some of you asked if I created another account and the answer is yes. My second account is advertising_site2. In case you're wondering, I do not accept requests there. The main reason why I created a second account was to make my advertising more efficient, which means that I will need less time to complete the advertisements.

You can ask questions there but take note that I am less active there so it would be preferred if you ask here. :)

Just remember not request there k? It'll be very confusing for me.


False account:

The main question that a lot of you have been asking was if I had created another account. As addressed above, I have. And that it the only side account I have atm. 

Other advertising accounts like advertiser are not my accounts so please do mistake her/she/them as me. Lastly, I only created advertising accounts on asianfanfics. I did not create any on roleplayrepulblic.com (IDK if this is the site) :/




Alright, moving on to the giveaway. For this mini-giveaway, there will be 3 lucky winners.

1st place- 100 advertisements on any story, 5 upvotes, 5 subs

2nd place- 50 advertisements, 3 upvotes, 3 subs

3rd place- 25 advertisements, 1 upvote, 1 sub

Like it? To apply, please fill in the blanks below and paste your answers in the comment section.


1. The side account to advertising_site is ______.

2. I (advertising_site) only have _(number)_ account(s) on ____(website)_____.

3. What is the main use of my second account(if any)?

a) for people to send in the request forms.

b) to help with the advertisements.

c) created to piss you off.

bonus question: Only people who requested for more than ____ advertisements will get the special offer. (extra 25 advertisements if you win the giveaway)

Only people who answered all the blanks correctly can take part in the giveaway. 

I will select the winner randomly. Do note that those who have requested advertisements from me before will stand a higher chance of winning. 

never requested before- 1 chance*

requested for 25 advertisements- 2 chances

50 advertisements- 3 chances

100 advertisements- 4 chances

200 advertisements- 5 chances

* chance- number of times usernames is keyed into the system. (The more times, the higher chance of winning)

This giveaway only happens once every 2 months so be sure not to let this opportunity pass.

Good luck! Giveaway closes on 7- sep-13. Any entries after that will NOT be accepted.


winner is MapleAngel19 (100 advertisements, 5 subs and upvotes)

second place: Silentshearts (50 ads, 3 subs, 3 upvotes)

you 2 will also be given a 10% discount everytime you request for advertisements from me.


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1 : the side account to advertising_site is 2 account

2 : i (advertising_site) only have 2 account(s) on Asianfanfics

3 : what is the main use of my second account (if any )?

: b) to help with the advertisements.

bonus question: Only people who requested for more than 50 advertisements will get the special offer. (extra 25 advertisements if you win the giveaway)
1. The side account to advertising_site is advertising_site2

2. I (advertising_site) only have 2 account(s) on Asianfanfics

3. What is the main use of my second account(if any)?
b) to help with the advertisements.

bonus question: Only people who requested for more than 50 advertisements will get the special offer. (extra 25 advertisements if you win the giveaway)