When your requests take forever to get completed...

Jeebus, all of my graphic requests are taking forever.
I don't want to bother the artists because I know they work hard and it takes time,
And I don't want to sound ungrateful or unnapreciative or naggy...
But holy crap is it taking long. And it's not just one of them... It's all of them.
So all of my stories have just a plain picture instead of a poster.
I just hope they were all worth the wait. I mean I did choose really good shops and artists...
*sighs* I want to cry.


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poor u :(
but dont worry, i think a plain picture is already alright ..
official #2
I requested for a review a month ago and my name isnt even on the request list although they told me i was accepted.

You could ask me :D id be happy to make graphics...