SNSD's 6th year Anniversary and Presentation for school... coincidence?

Ok... so... everyone know what day it is right?

It's SNSD's 6th year anniversary...

Anyway... about 2 weeks ago... I got a project in school saying that I have to research and talk about something I like...

And it can be ANYTHING...

So I decided to talk about SNSD and research? Pfft... I have all the informations in my head already... XD

The teacher then said that it will be due in 2 weeks and we'll do our presentation then... At that time, I didn't realise that in two weeks, it'll be the girls' anniversary...

But it IS... and I'm doing my presentation today!!!

Coincidence much?

All the other students are pretty frustrated cuz they didn't do their homework but being a SONE, I'm super excited to do a presentation about SNSD on their anniversary!!!

Keke... still can't believe it... XDDDD

Wish me luuuuck..!!!!

Ps: You guys know what NAPLAN test is? Well for one of the writing task, "Write about someone who deserves an award" I wrote about  Taeyeon  deserving an award for being the best leader and somehow ended up talking about how the whole group is kind, awesome, and stuff like that... I'm kinda sure that I flunked that task u nless the one who mark it is a Sone too.. Maybe then I'll have a chance... XDDDD

Enough talking... Bye for noooow!!!

Lolz.. cuz it's Soshi's anniversary... I CAN'T SLEEP AND I'M ALSO SUPER HYPER!!! XDDD


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Tomorrow is SNSD 6th anniversary and the 12th graders'exam. The exam is not normal. It is the national exam. All Cambodian Sones are complaining!