I Hear Your Voice

Annyeong haseyo chingudeul!

do you like korean dramas?

yeah.. I like some of them.. Like "Full House", "Rooftop Prince", "Sungkyunkwan scandal", etc

and now, i currently like a new korean drama. It called "I Hear Your Voice". Anybody know that drama?

It's about a boy named Park Soo Ha. Who can read minds. He have a crush on a woman named Jang Hye Sung. Who save him when he was a little.

i can't describe you all. Cause if i did, i'll tired. Hehehe.

The drama has 14 episodes and i've watched episode 9 last night. The point is Hyesung finally find Sooha who lost for a year. But sadly, She founded that Sooha is amnesia.

Gosh.. That part is making me sad.. ㅠ 3 ㅠ

Well.. Tonight i'll watch the next episode.. So.. I can't wait! ㅋㅋ

That's it for today.. Annyeong! ^^


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