Ulzzang Model Seuk Hye, a CUBE trainee

So these days, i've been researching about well.... CUBE trainees. And i came across a CUBE model trainee whom was a pretty Ulzzang. I've seen her pictures countless of times and truthfully speaking, she is the prettiest Ulzzang i've seen so far. I'm not much of a fan of Ulzzang from the start because some have abnormally gigantic eyes. (Kinda creeps me out)

This girl seems to look more natural i guess. But yeah... Its really cool news to find out and i hope her the best. I'm still curious as to if she will be an idol or just a model under CUBE. Hopefully she sticks to modelling but if she has singing talent  developes singing talent, i'd like to hear it. (I learned from Appa Hong that talent is not given from birth nor is it passed down)

Here is her bio i found on another site.


  • NAME: 손주희 (Son Ju Hui/Son Joo Hee)
  • BIRTHDATE: January 29, 1988
  • RACE: Korean
  • LOCATION: Seoul, South Korea
  • HEIGHT: 164cm | WEIGHT: 43kg | SHOE SIZE: 230mm
  • MODEL AT CherryKOKO and Gabalnara
  • Cube Entertainment trainee














The second girl in the video is said to also be a CUBE trainee but i'll have to get back to you on that after i dig up more information. Let me know if you want to hear about the rest of the CUBE trainees i found out about or else i won't do it ;D


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xiomai #1
she look so natural
The girl kinda looks like Na Eun.. It's either her eyes or smile I think..