Something that irritates me

Henry and Zhou Mi aren't allowed to perform with the rest of Super Junior because of the fact that they're only officially members of the sub-group, but the rest of Super Junior can perform with Super Junior-M for Super Junior-M songs like Super Girl. I understand that there are a lot of extenuating circumstances here, but it just makes me really sad to see SuJu-M song being performed by non SuJu-M members when Henry and Zhou Mi get petitions filed against them for even being on stage with Super Junior during SS5 concerts.:/ 


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I know right.... Fans can be such es... sigh
Oh my God, could people just take a chill-pill with all of this crap? They're PERFORMERS, so let them PERFORM.
Its the fans fault really. It really is sad that Hyukjae had to confront the fans at their concert about it.