Exercise will be the death of me

I was recently told by a close and mean family member that "all you did this week was gain weight." Yep. He straight up just told me that to my face. So then I'm like, well forget you, whatever I do I will NEVER satisfy you because there's ALWAYS GOING TO BE SOMETHING WRONG. I'm never going to be perfect, I'm never going to please you. I'm always too fat or too skinny. I'm supposed to be outside, not I'm outside too much and I have to stay home. 

WELL THEN BACK TO THE STORY. I love Seventeen and I wake up at 7 AM in the morning just to watch them practice for 3 hours. July 11th broadcast was an Aegyo performance and the vocal trainer(I believe) wasn't pleased with the practice performance so he scolded them and made them run and sing. So I'm over here watching my husbands run singing Beautiful by B2st and Happiness by Suju and I'm feeling SO UNFIT.  So then I realized, gosh, I really need to start running or something, so after the broadcast was over...like way way way over, *cough* 10 hours later, I started to exercise and OH MY GOODNESS IT HURTS.

first of all I stretched. Duh. I'm so not flexible anymore.

then I started jogging.

then I started running around my house and singing because that's what 17 did and idek how they did such a thing because by the end of the song my whole body was crying!

i did a thigh and hip workout.

then I did squats,

lots.. And lots..of squats.

lets just say, I was sprawled on the floor, sweating like a pigx56. 

Now I can't even bend my knees or ill fall. My shoulders ache. My back aches. Everything aches. I need a massage, I'm such an old lady. I'm gonna get that life alert thing by the time I'm 20. WATCHOUT, POLLY FELL AND CAN'T GET UP.

Well, wish me good luck. I really want to look nice in my clothes, and when hansolie oppa sees me I want him to think..Wow. I'm NOT doing this for that mean person in the first paragraph. Nothing will please you since there's always something wrong with me. You'll never stop bothering me, but really, if you just left me alone and actually made me feel good about myself everyday then I think everything would be fine but as of right now...STOP. 

ugh my shoulders. How will I even get up tomorrow?


lol I forgot to say! After I worked out I made French toast in a mug because I felt that I should reward myself for being the laziest girl in the world. :) 

wow I'm such a horrible person -_-


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RENderedspeechless #1
If that family member had said that to me, I would've straight up dropped kicked that fool. wow, how rude :) Glad you're doing this to please yourself (and for your bias) and not for that idiot of a family member. I've recently started working out too, and it's been kicking my . But I want to be more physically fit. Lol, because my boyfriend asked me to jog with him last month and I was like "sure" so we jogged one mile. then another. then another. then another. and he wasn't even like working that hard and I was sweating and gasping and trying not to fall on the ground and die. OTL. But yeah, good luck :)