Se7en & Mighty Mouth’s Sangchu caught on a military scandal! 

*NOTE: Adult Massage Parlors in Korea are often used as an excuse for ion.

On June 25, SBS’ “Scene 21” reported a segment on the hidden stories behind celebrity soldiers.

This segment showed the celebrity soldier’s activities after they completed a special event for the 6.25 Korean holiday on June 21. After finishing the event, the celebrity soldiers did not return to their unit but stayed at a hotel. The soldiers then proceeded to exit the hotel at around 10 PM in their everyday clothes (not in military apparel, which is breaking the rules) and had dinner with a variety of alcoholic drinks such as beer and soju.

They did not go back to the hotel but at around 2:30 AM, they were seen getting into a taxi and getting off at a massage parlor. After spending 10 minutes at the massage parlor, the celebrity soldiers took another taxi and went to another massage parlor. They spent about 30 minutes in that parlor before exiting.

The reporter entered the massage parlor and noted that the parlor did not let anyone under 19 inside. The reporter asked the manager and the manager revealed, “They asked things like, ‘When can we get serviced?’, and I told them ‘Not right now’. I refunded them 170,000 KRW (approximately $147 USD).” The manager added, “No one comes to get just a massage. They come for what you’re thinking.”

When the celebrity soldiers saw the TV crew, they attempted to take the cameras away with violent force. One of the soldiers commented, “We’re not doing anything wrong.”

Then the TV crew asked, “It’s 4 in the morning right now. Are you a soldier or are you a celebrity? You visited massage parlor A and then proceeded to go to massage parlor B. Do you have anything to say?” The soldiers stayed silent until one of them remarked, “We swear that we have not done anything illegal.”

Source: Star News via Nate, TV Daily via Nate (23)

Translated by: Soompi & AKP


National Public Relations Unit  “If SBS ignores and leaves out certain facts and exaggerates the story, there will be some serious consequences.”

After the show has aired, the National Public Relations unit (where most celebrity soldiers serve their time) commented, “They went for medical purposes.” Certain sources of those celebrity soldiers apologized to the TV crew for the physical confrontations.

They said, “We can’t get in touch with the celebrity soldiers right now so we don’t really know the exact situation, ” and “We apologize to the SBS TV crew for thephysical confrontation that occurred on behalf of those soldiers. They must have thought that the TV crew was a crazy fan or paparazzi, which is why they tried to take the cameras away.”

They continued, “If the TV crew revealed that they were from SBS, we don’t think this would have happened,” and “We hope you can try to understand the celebrity soldiers’ standpoints since they suffer a lot and feel psychological pressure because of crazy fans or the paparazzi have tried to approach them even after they had enlisted.”

On the other hand, the reps of these celebrity soldiers explained, “After the previously mentioned event was over, there was an after party thrown by the director of the event. The TV crew probably caught a scene from this party,” and “While it is true that the celebrity soldiers’ actions may have caused misunderstandings, all of this happened under the supervision of the director.”

The rep lashed out to SBS by saying, “If you consider many different factors, this whole situation is very understandable but SBS will definitely try to exaggerate it,” and “If SBS ignores and leaves out certain facts and exaggerates the story, there will be some serious consequences.”

Translated by: Soompi


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Alluring #1
crazy fan or paparazzi... you must be kidding. you can't mistake them for crazy fan and paparazzi when they come asking you questions like the ones asked. and medical purposes? okay, so instead of all those other possible options you go to a place that massages and has as a bonus. great! isn't that jolly and great of you! i'm sure you /never/ knew that it was such an evil place with so much corruption.

when the sbs crew went to the department or whatever for an explanation, they had none. but after a while...they weave together some crappy story and expect us to believe it. lol amazing!

way to celebrate 6/25.