Is it bad

Is it bad for me to still want to die?

Well is it?

I wanna know.


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yolochinchins #1
It's not bad to want to die. Everyone wants to die at some point in their life, but just because it isn't a bad thing does not mean it is a good thing either. You just need to keep moving forward, because death does not mean the end, it never is the end, because there really is no end to whatever pain or problem you are going through. Just keep on looking for your brighter days, they exist. Things only exist if you make them.
If you've ever wondered why I became a bit cold to you, it's because of the first time.
yes it is.
...Talk to me.
And the loosest answer I could give is yes.
Yes it is.
Yes it is.....calm down and tell me wats wrong?
Simplest answer possible..
:) message me if you want to talk about anything
Your not alone i'll tell you that