The 3-ing

The 3-ing ? That's for : Annoying , Irritating , Frustrating . hahaha xD 

Sooo , this blogpost is just to release my anger on someone . I hate my new school . The friend . I just hate it . Honestly , if I could run away , I will .

About the friends , they are mostly BACKSTABBERS . They act nice infront of you but behind ? There are talking like hell about you . How do I know ? I experience it there THRICE and I've seen them doing that to their besties a million times . Seriously !? I mean , its not like Im that good , but , why do you really have to do that ?

And I've been called to the discpline room THREE times because someone put a blame on me on something . Gosh . And in just 4months in the new school , I've been involved in many arguements . They start it first .

I just wanna run far away . ha . ha . ha . sorry for the bad language or should I say harsh ? yea . sorreh . Goodbye world and seriously Im not tryingo be an attention seeker or whatsoever . Thiis just what Im thinking of ;')


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just fight back if its not your fault and fighting putri~! :D i will always be there for you when you have problems :DD