Weight Loss Tips

Hello you!

Want to lose weight? Well author-nim here shall present some helpful tips to aid you!

If you haven't already, please check out Overweight, yet Loving You, because there is nothing that motivates one for weight loss more than a good and inspiring fanfic! xD (And while you're at it just click that little upvote button and subscribe?)

Okai so in terms of food: 

  • Tea - any type of tea really is good, but Green Tea will increase your blood oxidisation, and get rid of toxins in your body thus ridding your body of unnecessary fats and bad chemicals. Herbal Tea is also great, but read the info box before purchase just to see what kind of magic it can do!
  • Vegetables - THOSE GREEN LEAFY THINGS ARE ACTUALLY WONDERFUL!! I really hated celery and brocolli before my weight loss plan, but really celery does wonders for digestion, and brocolli is actually a lot better compared to it's cousin, cauliflower (which I adore btw).
  • Fruit - now be careful with fruits, because they're very high in sugar, but you know the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"! Fruits you should eat often are kiwifruits, apples, pears, oranges, and possibly lemons if you can stand the acidity! Watermelon and grapes should be eaten only seldomly.
  • Nuts - okay I know some people can lose weight by eating only nuts and red meats, but for me that didn't work very well. Give it a try though! It might suit you!
  • Red meats - notice I bolded 'red', because only red meat provides iron essential to ladies for the monthly course. So in case you're not too sure, red meats are meats like beef, lamb etc.
  • Seafood - to be honest not terribly sure about this one, but eat in moderation okai? It's better than poultry, but I think too much of it can have side effects, especially if you're not usually used to sea produce. UNPROCESSED SEAWEED IS GREAT IN SOUP THOUGH! 

Fast foods, junk foods, soft drinks, confectionery, and fried foods are a big no-no!

In terms of exercise:

  1. If you're just beginning to diet, go with light exercises such as stretching, walking, biking, and maybe the occasional jog.
  2. After 1-3 weeks of dieting, your body fat should be getting firmer and more used to the new fat burn patterns, so if you find the scale numbers aren't going down anymore, switch to harder work-outs such as push-ups, running (1-3km), squats, yoga, or a sport (eg. tennis, basketball)
  3. Muscle building may be your aim, if so, then add on extra push-ups, sit ups, and take on weight-lifting.
  4. Swimming is highly recommended, although not everyone may have the facility.


  • Do not eat 2 hours prior to sleeping.
  • Never even so much as look at ice cream, chocolate, instant noodles, and fried chicken during a diet.
  • Try not to sit down for more than 5 hours per day (including those at school or working in offices).
  • Drink plenty of water!!! (On the basis of not needing to go the toilet every 5 minutes)

Hope this will help! I personally lost 9kg in 5 months using only some of the above tips ^.^


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How much do you weigh now? I currently weigh 80+ kg and i find it hard to do it alone. I have anothee fren who is also the same likeme but we can only do it after eoy but i feel like starting right now
I shall follow this but I need to say good bye to my fried chicken then. LOL XD
I drank many kinds of tea but Green Tea I haven't familiar with it, maybe I should try it. <3

WOW unnie, you lost weight that much, just in 5 months?? That's awesome! Congrats!! ^^
Alright, saying goodbye to most of the things that I WILL NOT TOUCH X( HAHA thank God I love my veggies ^^ but yeah, THANK YOUU SO MUCH, AUTHOR-NIM!!! And wow, 9 kg lost in 5 months?? OMG that's so awesome!! Congratulations!!! ^^
i shall follow this XD
thank you for this ^^