zRebel’s back. Again. With another blog post. I’m just enjoying writing crap about myself. ^^

This one will be about my obsession with the color green. It’s always been my favorite color. If you read my last blog post, you’ll know that I willed my eyes to be green. Yes, my obsession is that strong.

Of course, though I may sound like I’m joking in this post, I am being serious in a comedic way. You guys know I love to joke. Just read my fanfics and you’ll see.

Green… How I love you.

My best friend: “I had a dream you were a samurai princess and you married Bang Yongguk.” Me: “Oh, cool.” Friend: “You wore so much green…” Me: “OMG I LOVE YOUR DREAM.”

(Hypothetical situation, hasn’t happened yet.) Boyfriend: *gets on one knee, whips out diamond ring* “Will you marry me?” Me: *slap* “ I said I wanted an emerald.”

(Shopping) Me: “OMG green camouflage! Mom, can I have it? Can I have it? Can I have it?”

*looking at makeup* “I think I’ll go with this shade of green today. Mom, I need more green eye shadow! I’m almost out. And you didn’t buy me enough shades to begin with! What’s wrong with you, woman? Geez… Get me a gift, get it right.”

*shopping for prom dresses* “Oh, I see how it is. -.- Green dresses just don’t exist, do they?!” (later that night online) *crying* “It’s so beautiful!” *staring at green dress on screen* “WHY CAN’T I HAVE YOU???”

*bites in green apple* “Ugh!” *spits it out* “You’re sour, you deceiving bastard!” *throws it across the room*

(In 8th grade) Me: “Hey, look at that green paint on the wall. Gorgeous shade.” Friend: *backs away slowly*

*yelling at grass in my yard* “I know it’s a drought, but stop being brown, you selfish es!”

*winks at trees* “Awesome leaves, man.”

*at animal shelter* Me: “Do you have any dogs from Mars?” Worker: “Huh? Mars?” Me: “Yeah. Don’t you know people from Mars are green? So why wouldn’t their dogs be?” Worker: “You want…a green dog…?” Me: “Very much so.” (lol that didn’t actually happen just a joke ^^)

*in court* Judge: “Why did you rob 52 banks?” Me: *shaking like a Schizophrenic* “It’s the government’s fault!” *twitching* “You printed the money in green.” *twitching* “DON’T YOU SEE I HAVE A PROBLEM?!” (lol also did not happen, but very possible)

(St. Patrick’s Day) Random Person: “Wow, you really get in to the holiday.” Me: “Huh? I dress like this every day.”

(later that same day) Me: “OMG you’re not wearing green! BLASPHEMY!!!” *pinch attack*

Me: “OMG Ireland is like the greatest civilization to ever grace the earth.”

(at Mardi Gras) (if you don’t know what it is, look it up) Me: *yelling at sister* “Catch the green beads, Brooke! THE GREEN ONES!”

(3 years old) Me: *staring in mirror* Mom: “Um… Baby, what are you doing?” Me: “Making eyes green…” *squints* Mom: *laughs* “I don’t think that’s possible.” (3 days later) Mom: O_O “How did you do that?”

AFF is the best website ever because the layout is GREEN.

And I would have written all this in green, but...for some reason this damn website won't change the font color. I feel stupid... You just lost your "best website ever" status AFF. Yes, you did indeed... -.-

Oh, silly of me to forget. I must describe the bed I'm sitting on as I write this. Green sheets. Green blanket. Green pillow. *glances at green couch* Yep. That's about it. ^^



You know you want them as much as I do.


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haha at the back robbery thing XD
That made me laugh ^^