Retrograde Tomorrow & Anterograde Tomorrrow


1. The Similarities in the description

Retrograde Yesterday’s description states:

“Jong-in dreams of yesterday, while Myung-hee dreams of tomorrow. Jongin Counts the passing years, While Myung-hee counts the passing hours. Jongin can’t seem to forget the past, Myung-hee can’t seem to remember it…”

Anterograde Tomorrow’s description states:

Kyungsoo is stuck in the hours while Jongin begs the seconds, because time stops for someone who can’t remember and runs from someone who can’t miss the last train home.


The subtle similarity is in the format. What makes this part obviously plagiarized? Notice both excerpts share almost the same terminology, and the major thing that they undeniably do share is the comparison between two characters using the concept of time. One may be years/hours and the other is hours/seconds, but you can’t mistake the resemblance.

2. The beginning of the prologue chapters are almost identical

Retrograde Yesterday states in the opening lines of the story: Sunlight abruptly flickers through Jong-in’s dream; something like the sound of soft feminine giggles mixed with the sound of the tide rushing in, back and forth.

Anterograde Tomorrow states in the opening of the story:

Sunlight drifts into Kyungsoo’s dream, refracts into something cool and salty and maybe involving heels digging into the soft overlap between ocean and beach


they both have a dream where the sunlight plays a role in shining down on them, use of double descriptive ideas in the middle, followed by something involving the shore/ocean/water

Retrograde Yesterday states:

He turns over, to feel the sensation of course grains of sand wreathing in between his toes, only to be replaced by the cold linen sheets that surround him

Anterograde Tomorrow states:

He turns and the wet sand transforms into cold linens.


Both characters share the same dream of being at the ocean/shore/beach , they feel sand on their feet, they turn in bed and suddenly they both wake up to cold linens. These are the second lines in both of their respective stories.

Retrograde Yesterday states:

An intricate chain encircled with a small ring engraved with the words “forever and always” lies around a pale slender neck…

Anterograde Tomorrow states:

He picks up the yellow sticky on his pillow and reads it, “Your name is Do Kyungsoo. You have short-term memory loss, antesomething amnesia, so you won’t remember what happened last night. But let me help you out.”


Both characters wake up to an item of signifigance to the story/to themselves. Both items have wording on them that relates to the character.

Retrograde Yesterday states:

He slowly, yet with hesitation, opens his eyes, as the smell of sea water is suddenly replaced with the smell of fabric softener that emits from the pastel linens that cover his lean body; the sound of seagulls and tides rolling in, that filled his room, is now replaced  by the bustling of the busy Seoul streets below his condo…

Anterograde Tomorrow states:

When he opens his eyes the cocktail of seagull wings and shades of blue is replaced by a ceiling, meters too low, a small window at the end of a narrow bedroom, and peeling wood floorboards under worn rugs.

Similarities: Both characters open their eyes and their dream of the beach is traded for reality, specifically seagulls are used to describe part of the dreams they woke from.

3. The title(which is a given)


In no way, when myself and a couple of others questioned her actions, did we jump on the author of Retrograde Yesterday. We wanted to politely speak to her, in turn she ignored/removed our comments we made. Her ignoring this only further proves what has been said above. I do not wish to call out others on things, I do not wish to bring them any hate, any negative comments, any suffering by doing this. I stated all those things above because it is plagiarism.It should be a given that any form of copying someone else’ work, even if the story itself does not follow strictly the plot of the story it’s being accused of plagiarizing, is wrong. If there are any phrases/words/works that are not originally yours and if you have not been given the proper permission or permission to re-use those phrases/words/works by giving credit, then it isn’t right.

I don’t believe I was being oversensitive with this, especially in a fandom that has numerous fanartists, editors, and writers. I know that if it were any of their work being shared/reused/ reposted without their permission or if the work was plainly plagiarized they would not be pleased. The author who wrote Retrograde Yesterday could probably make many great pieces but she doesn’t need to reword someone else’ work to do so. Once again I’m typing this because plagiarism isn’t okay, and with this being said i don’t think I’ve overstepped lines, I just don’t believe it’s right


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Who would do something like that?
I think someone plagiarised the story and turned it into a 1D story... Like, it has hyung, kimchi, and even mentioned Kyungsoo once?
I don't know, I haven't read the story, just what I've seen from comments
I think someone plagiarised the story and turned it into a 1D story... Like, it has hyung, kimchi, and even mentioned Kyungsoo once?
I don't know, I haven't read the story, just what I've seen from comments