Sorry Guys!

Hey, everyone!
I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for not updating in this long.
There were a couple of reasons like;
I'm having my finals in college, (three more subjects to go Yoohoo~! _)
And then there is that my elseop feels have subsided lately,
too much Destiel and too less of U-Kiss as seven is no good (not the Destiel tho, this is good stuff! :D)
So, please just spare with me for a little while longer and I promise to update all three stories of mine!
Byebyebee~ :*
Love, ElseopLove


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Kyung1Ari #1
Awww, I do understand about finals, it takes a lot of energy. :( I hope your feelings for Elseop can comeback, I've really enjoy your stories.